Quarterfinals: Elijah Karsur

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Elijah shifted his weight from his left to his right. He folded his arms, unfolded them to stick his hands in his pockets and then, folded them again.

"You look a little pale."

He opened his mouth, before realizing it had gone dry. Swallowing his lack of spit, he tried again. "I do not look pale."

Eli glanced over to find Mikaela staring at him with her lips pressed into the beginnings of a smile. Her hair hung loosely, falling in waves down her back. She had thrown on a black jacket, and it was doing its job to cover up the bones that scared her back. He had to admit she looked good, for an angel. She did have a point, though. He glanced down at his own skin for a brief moment before looking out into the hall and realizing how late it had gotten.

"I've got a me- a thing to go do," he said, distractedly stumbling over his words. "So, um, don't get lost, or walk down any of the West avenues if you want to keep your legs, and try not to mention your from Boros." He meant his words as more of a joke than a real warning but gave her shoulder a quick squeeze of reassurance without thinking anyway.

Mikaela rolled her eyes softly, and Eli gave her a brief wink before heading for the doors.

They lead out to a wide set of steps and a cobblestone courtyard. There were no large trees sitting outside as he had gotten used to, and the lighting for the late evening wasn't nearly as bright or inviting. Yet, he barely batted an eye as he hurried down the steps and strode off towards a familiar archway. The place was home. It didn't need to look inviting.

He ran a hand absently through his hair as he took a left onto a side street. A pair of ogres passed him but he didn't even spare a glance. Naturally skirting around some broken glass, Elijah's eyes trailed along the skyline. The color was a soft red that was beginning to fade to orange as it licked at the clouds. The view kept his mind busy for less than a second.

Elijah was used to running odd errands. The blood wasn't really the problem. The fact that it was a trial was what made it a problem. Well, that, and who he was getting to help him get the stupid thing done quickly. He wanted to spend a night in Rakdos at a good club, not hunting down some pure blooded kid.

His feet paused near a small bar. It wasn't packed yet, but the group of goblins sitting outside with full glasses made for a promising sight. Ignoring any looks shot his way, he headed into the back alley. It was lined with grimy bricks and a few sketched, half-finished drawings. Paying little attention to the dirt, he leaned backward to relax. He knew it wouldn't take very long.

Elijah hiked up his leg, resting it against the brick wall behind him. He swung his arm down, slouching to let his fingers brush the tip of his boot and the hilt of the weapon hidden in it. A clang sounded as a door was pushed open. He hurriedly straightened his spine while continuing to gaze out at the street beyond.

"Hey gray eyes," said a voice from behind him. Eli had heard it a thousand times before and, unfortunately, wasn't surprised when an arm was slung prematurely over his shoulder.

Swiftly shrugging it off, he turned to face the man beside him. Roza was an interesting looking guy. He was taller than Elijah if only by a few short inches, and had blonde, curly hair that was more often matted than not. He wore a smile that never showed his teeth and had a scar that started at the base of his neck and trailed who knew how far down his chest.

"-Or amber," he corrected upon second exception. "Personally, I think gray suits you better."

Roza reached forward to thumb gently as Elijah's face, but the young man pulled back with a small "tch." He didn't care much for being anywhere near Roza considering he had broken his nose on two separate equations. This wasn't to say it hadn't been warranted, but that was a different matter altogether.

"You look tired," Roza muttered, taking a sip from a bottle he had brought with him.

"Do I?"

Elijah chuckled. He had noticed the dark circles that had crept under his eyes over the past few nights and how his hair had gone from purposely disheveled to tangled and messy. He didn't need someone else to point it out.

Roza nodded silently, a smile dancing across his face. "So, are you having fun?"

Eli rolled his eyes, "Do you have what I asked you about?"

He nodded again, "You just needed one bag, right?"

"Should, amount wasn't really specified," he admitted with a click of his tongue.

"And you'll pay me back?"

Elijah dipped his head, already mentally preparing to go find somewhere to spend the night, "Mhm. What do you want for it?"

His smile curled wider, "Your amber ring, That's what I want."

Eli opened his mouth and closed it again. His foot pushed himself off of the wall. He attempted to raise one eyebrow, however, it ended in him scrunching up his brow and glaring. His lips formed a hard line, and he couldn't get himself to shake the expression.

"I-I'm sorry, you want what?"

Roza shrugged lazily, taking his chance to lean on the alley wall. "I want that pretty stone of yours. Think of the stuff I could pull with it," his smile inched wider.

Elijah scoffed. His arms crossed over his chest tightly as he let out a long breath. "That's- there's no deal to make there."

The taller man cocked an eyebrow, "I'm fairly sure there is one."

"No, jackass, there isn't."

He reached forward, snagging Elijah by the back of the neck. Gripping the hair there harshly, Roza yanked him down. "Watch your tongue. I'm the one who's trying to help you."

Eli bit his lip, tugging lightly against him to try and loosen his grip. A tight pain raced up his neck and he stopped struggling. Instead, he reached for Roza's wrist and dug in with his nails just enough to make it seem like it wasn't on purpose.

"Let go." He ordered. "We've discussed this before, it's never gonna happen."

Roza blew air through his teeth and reluctantly let go, "You're a stubborn dick, you know that?"

A smile twitched on to Elijah's lips, "Yeah. In the meantime, I'll send you 300."




Eli rolled his eyes, "I'll think about it."

"Damn right you will. Go inside and ask at the bar, alright? Ryan should have it."

He nodded and and turned away, his hand rubbing his still sore neck. For being what Elijah often considered a friend, Roza could be extremely annoying. It felt a little bit good to get back into the swing of things, though, even if it was only for a night.

As he walked inside, he glanced down at his knuckles. They had turned white clutching around his ring without him even noticing. Maybe, he had grow too attached to the thing. Although, it was the only thing that made him feel like he could look at himself in the mirror. Staring at it for a moment longer, he nodded to himself. It was one thing he couldn't let himself lose.

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