Natsu X Reader: Lisanna's... Back? (REQUESTED)

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Dedixated to Solah_flawless :)

In this imagine, you are an elemental dragon slayer.


Solah's POV

I remember when Lisanna died.



Everyone mourned her death. We all gathered in front of her grave.

'I lost my childhood best friend.' Natsu cries on my shoulder. I pull him into a tight hug, crying too.

'She was so young...' Mirajane and Elfman approach her grave and place flowers on her stone grave. Words were engraved on it:

The Fairy Tail symbol was engraved at the top and then some words were written.

In capital letters, engraved Lisanna.

Underneath it wrote 'beloved sister and a friend to animal souls'

And underneath that were the years she lived and suddenly died.

Everyone took her death really hard, but Mirajane, Elfman and Natsu took it the hardest, especially Elfman, seeing as his physical body had killed his younger sister.

Months after her death, the guild started returning back the normal. All the guild members remembered her death but decided to just not talk about it.

People would often visit her grave, Mirajane and Elfman the most. Natsu occasionally visited, distracting himself by going on jobs with the team.

Flashback end

But that all changed when she came back...

The whole guild cheered as her presence shocked everyone.

Laxus kept on pinching her cheeks and a few people fainted even. What angered me about her return was how she would constantly cling onto Natsu. Like, seriously, let him breathe.

'Natsu!' Lisanna's voice rang throughout the whole guild. The two hugged and I shared a jealous thought with Levy.

'He obviously likes Lisanna, his childhood best friend, Levy...'

'Happy asked him. He likes you, Y/N.'

'Really? You're not just saying that to get my hopes up?'

'No, I'm not. He really does like you. He's probably trying to make you jealous.'

'Because that'll totally work.' I flop onto the table and Levy pats my back.

'Hey, Natsu!' Levy calls Natsu over.

'Wait, what are you doing?'

'I'm calling him over, duh.' But Natsu doesn't listen as he's too busy catching up with Lisanna.

'See, he's too into Lisanna that he can't even hear anyone calling him.

'Well, they didn't chat for years, so...'

'I know that, but it just... Kinda makes me feel jealous.' I admit shyly.

'Kinda jealous? Puh-lease, Solah.'



After Natsu and Lisanna catch up on all things Edolas, I call Lisanna over.

'Hey, Solah.'

'Hey, Lisanna. You wanna spar?'

'I'm a bit rusty, though.'

'It's OK, we're just sparring.'


'Where are we going to have our sparring match though?'


'How about the park?'

'Yeah, perfect!'

The two of us start walking to the park, chatting about Edolas, adventures and everything. It was actually quite interesting hearing about Edolas, even though I was trapped in a giant lacrima with someone's foot in my face.


Eventually, we arrive at the park.

'Alright, any rules, Solah?'

'Um... Pull out of the match if you're done?'

'Sounds good.'

'Roar of the Elemental Dragon!' A burst of fire and wind comes from my mouth. Lisanna turns into a big penguin and her body absorbs all the force.


'You won, Solah.' Lisanna and I pant.

'You said you were rusty and you almost knocked me down five times.'

'I didn't know exactly how rusty, per se.' Just then Natsu comes.

'Natsu!' Lisanna calls and waves him over.

'Hey, Lisanna. Hey, Solah.' He blushes. 'There's my two favourite girls.'

'Two favourite girls?' Lisanna suspiciously asks him. 'What about only one favourite girl?'

'But, you both mean the same to me, which is a lot.'

'But, Natsu. You have to pick one favourite girl. There can never be two favourite girls.' Lisanna childishly argues.

'Lisanna...' Natsu and I try to talk some sense into her but she refuses.

'No! Now, pick one favourite girl, Natsu.'

'Well, anyone who offers me that decision isn't my real friend. I'm picking Solah.' Natsu gestures over to me and I widen my eyes.

'That's not fair! I've been your best friend since we were kids, and then this bitch comes along and ruins our relationship!' Lisanna rants, gesturing to me as the bitch.

'Hey, you don't talk to my girlfriend like that!' Natsu retaliates and I blush when he refers to me as his girlfriend.

'She's ruined our relationship, Natsu! She's brainwashed you into liking her. You said that we would be together. Us... You said we would get married when we were older.' Lisanna keeps on ranting.

Natsu tenses and bows his head. 'That was the past... Things change, Lisanna. Always know that.' Lisanna huffs and walks away angrily.

'You'll regret this, Solah. You'll regret ever coming in between me and Natsu.' And with that, Lisanna walks away.

'So, Solah...' Natsu awkwardly trails off. I walk up to him, grab his scarf and I kiss him on the lips.

'Yes, I will be your girlfriend.' I smile at him and he smiles back.


Sorry if that wasn't what you wanted. :P

Anyways, that's one of my updates today, hope you enjoyed :)

Thank you guys so much! This book has grown so much!

Remember, don't be afraid to request or give me negative/positive feedback. It really helps me in improving my writing :)

In Wonderland

Mad Hatter

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