Sabertooth X Reader: Drunk Truth or Dare (REQUEST)

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OK, the title is officially an Olympic swimming pool XD

My Internet is actually pretty decent now, so now, I can load YouTube videos in GREAT quality


Dedixated to xxIAmKat :)

Haven't really gone in depth with Sabertooth before, so... I'm going to die writing this




'Y/N!' I hear my name being called.

'Come 'ere!' Sting waves me over with a large grin on his face, stretching from ear-to-ear.

'OK..?' I walk over and Lector and Frosch come up to me and attack my feet.

'Hey!' I giggle at their childishness.

'Y/N!' Frosch squeals from my feet.

'Yeah, Frosch?' I bend down to the two Exceed's height.

'Frosch wants a hug.' Frosch extends his arms out. (I'm going to make Frosch a male)

'OK, little guy.' I extend my arms and Frosch leaps into my arms.

'Hey, what about me? No fair!' Lector tugs at my shirt.

'Hehe, you two, Lector. Come on.' Lector leaps into my arms and he fidgets with Frosch in my arms.


'Hehe, sorry Y/N.' The two synchronised.

'Y/N!' Sting yells again.

'Coming!' I yell back innocently. 'Alright, you two. Playtime with me is over.'

'Aw, Y/N...' Frosch pouts.

'I'll be a few hours, OK?'

'But that's too long!' The two exceeds complain.

'Alright, you two can come with me.' I roll my eyes, playfully.

'Yes!' The two yell and they attach themselves to my shoulders. I chuckle at the two's action and I walk over to Sting.

'Hey, what's up?'

'We're going to play a game!' Sting yells playfully and apparently, Rogue, Yukino, Rufus, Orga and Minerva already gathered to play.

'What kind of game?'

'Truth or Dare!'

'Well, alright.'

'Wait, not just any game of Truth or Dare. Drunk version!' Sting grabs my arm and runs over to the group. He sits me down and runs out of the room. After a few seconds, he runs back in with bottles of alcohol in his arms.

'Sake, beer, rum, whiskey, vodka...' I say to myself as I examine the bottles.

'Where did you even get this?'

'No idea.'

'He's drunk, already, isn't he?' I leaned over to the person sitting on my left, which happened to be Rogue.

'Yup... Frosch!' He says as he picks up Frosch from my shoulder.

'Wait, no! I want Y/N's hugs.'

'Alright... Again.' I hug Frosch for the second time and he climbs onto Rogue's back.

'Alright, Yukino, truth or dare?' I say as I start off the game.

'Um...' Yukino is in deep thought, weighing her options.


'I dare you to sit on Rogue's lap for two rounds.'

'Aw, no fair.'

'New rule!' Sting says, slurring his speech. 'Whoever doesn't do their dare or truth, has to drink until they're drunk!' Sting finally says before passing out. Lector climbs off my back and sits on Sting's lap.

'Fine...' Yukino stands and walks over to Rogue, who's a blushing mess.

'Don't get too excited, Rogue.' I wink at him before he turns a darker shade of red.


Eventually, all the bottles of alcohol were finished and everyone was so wasted that Rufus passed out.

'Well, he's out.' I giggle. There was only myself, the Twin Dragon Slayers and Minerva left. Yukino and Orga already left to go to sleep, so that they wouldn't have too much of a hangover.

'Y/N, Truth or Dare?' Sting slurs.

'Dare!' I stand up and my legs give out, making me fall on Rogue's lap.


'I dare you, to make out with Rogue.'

Uh... I think y'all know what happened ;)


OK, not exactly my best work, but, it's the only thing I could think of :P


Don't be afraid to request as it helps me improve my writing for your benefit :)

- AwkwardCinnamonRoll

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