i've found that hurt people tend to be whom i gravitate towards. there's a misconception all hurt people become bullies, they hide, although i have discovered the opposite. of course there are instances in which bullies are "misdirected" hurt teenagers. in certain cases hurt people, are only hurting people. they don't cover it, they will lay that out in black and white to you.
these people are the better people. they know who they are, along with who they are not. they don't put themselves above anyone. they are kind. they are caring, they don't wish to hurt you and they are understanding. they always see the best in you.
if they aren't careful, someone could come along and use that. they won't want to hurt their feelings no matter who they are or what they've done. so things keep going. a painful relationship to keep pretending, yet the vile behavior is not inside them to stop. the sorrow of bad people waltzing over top of them is less significant than the desire to keep themselves below others.
problems swept under a rug, only then the entire floor is ripped up, the rug too and sent to drown in the depths of the ocean where the sun shall not grace it. never spoken of, never seen. yet forever present in the mind of whom ripped up the floorboards and rug and watched as the water swallowed it whole.
all of this, to not cause any trouble to whom the problem does not belong. try to pry, but you would have to go thousands of feet below to grace it once again and then pray to find and piece together what's left.
i know this because i am one. only a hurt young girl seemingly trying to find where i am meant to be. i gravitate towards the hurt because i am one. a soul as content as a hurt soul could be, surrounded by others alike.
be careful of who you let in, you don't know them.
do not put yourself last, you are worth more.
your problems do not have to be only your's.