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the only word i find myself hearing when asked what's wrong. i'm dull.
dull does not equal sadness. dull in this context is more of a numbness,
lack of interest,
a lack of lusting to be with people who wish to be with me. tiring conversations all focused on seemingly the same things.
there is nothing new for me here. this in turn has caused me to become drowsy, forgetful and rather dry in everything i say.
i'm not sure what's wrong, though truly i feel as if everything is. only i have lost all motivation to change a single thing.
i lay in a bed of my wrongs, along side my friend's wrongs and my family's wrongs, that all affect me. i lay for hours upon hours on these mistakes and i have lost feeling to them. i no longer care what people do to me, nor do i care about fixing what's been broken.
i know too much, these things do not matter to me as they once did.


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