Chapter Two

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Jazmine was sitting on the porch while Paul helped her dad out with fixing the drywall behind Jazmine's bedroom door.

She'd put her fist through it a while back when Jacob had eaten the last of the pop tarts. She was just watching the forest carefully when the sound of a truck became apparent.

Jazmine couldn't see the truck because it had yet to turn onto the dirt road but she'd know the sound anywhere.

"Paul, we gotta go," Jazmine called. She didn't need to raise her voice but she usually did for the benefit of her father.

"What's the rush?" Billy rolled into the hall just in time to find Jazmine grabbing her sports bag. She had the last of her things in there.

"Bella's here and I don't trust my temper," Jazmine explained. Paul was by her side in an instant, his breath slightly heavier.

"I'm not too sure mine would last either." He admitted and rushed to grab his things. Jazmine stopped before leaving out the back door and smiled at a picture of her whole family that was framed by the window.

"Can I?" She asked and Billy rolled his eyes before nodding. She grabbed the frame and then followed Paul out the back and into the forest.

It was barely a two-minute walk through the forest if you knew where you were going and Jazmine smiled when the house came into view.

"I can't believe you bought a house for us." Jazmine laughed slightly and nudged her shoulder against Paul's.

"Figured Billy had to pretty sick of putting up with me." Paul laughed.

"You know he looks at you like another son." Jazmine laughed and Paul nodded.

"He knows I look at him like a dad." Jazmine smiled up at Paul before wrapping her arms around his middle. She was home.


"Where'd you get bikes?" Jazmine asked in confusion. She was leaning against the door of the garage watching Jacob work on a what looked like a skeleton of a motorbike.

"Since when have you been allowed into the garage?" Jacob asked without looking up. She had been banned from the garage shortly after phasing and while Paul was allowed in - with limitations- Jazmine couldn't step foot into it.

"I'm not in it. I came looking for Paul, he isn't here?" Jazmine lied. Paul was at home working on painting the living room, right where she left him. She wanted to know why Bella had been there most of the week before.

"Does it look like he's here?" Jacob asked.

"Take your attitude and park it." Jazmine snapped. She didn't like Jacob spending time with Bella because she didn't trust the girl. How could she? The girl was friendly with vampires.

"Jazmine, get out of my garage and tell Paul I won't be working on the Rabbit for a while so he doesn't need to come round." Jazmine stared at Jacob and shook her head.

"You realise she has you wrapped around her little finger, right? You're just some rebound for her." Jazmine told Jacob what had been weighing on her mind for the last six days.

"You don't know anything, you've been dating the same guy for the last four years. You've never even kissed anyone else even though he has." Jacob scoffed. Jazmine flexed her fingers to still the shaking.

"Doesn't Embry count?" Jazmine asked innocently. The second she said it she knew she was in trouble for two very bad reasons. The first was the fact that Jacob's face had gone red and he was stalking towards her. The second was the fact that everyone had successfully forgotten that topic since Paul had phased and he had no idea about the kiss.

Now it was back in the forefront of her mind.

"Go fuck yourself." Jazmine watched hate cloud Jacob's eyes and raised a hand to defend herself hen Jacob shoved the door closed in her face. He faltered for a second and stared at her raised hand before shutting it fully.

"Well, that's just fucking great." She huffed and made her way back up to the house. She mustered a wave to her father, who was on the porch, before climbing into Paul's truck and making her way home.

"Well, why's leech lover hanging around?" Paul asked.

"Because Jake is in love with her." Jazmine shrugged and Paul rolled his eyes.

"He'll phase and imprint on a nice young girl who'll love him and everything will be okay," Paul promised and Jazmine smiled softly.




"You're gonna get me killed," Embry whined and covered his face. He was sitting at Sam's table while Paul and Jared ran patrol.

"You think I don't know that?" Jazmine asked. She hadn't phased at the same time as Paul in four days and he was beginning to get suspicious.

"Maybe we should hold off on the group patrol." Sam sighed and Jazmine shook her head.

"He'll get worse. I just need to find a way to keep it out of my head." Jazmine said and tried to force herself not to think about it.

"You need a distraction, you need something to occupy you." Emily sighed and tapped her fingers on the table.

"Okay, I have something. Think of every teenager on the Rez and weigh out the probability of them phasing." Sam suggested.

"Nice, I do your work and keep Paul from killing Embry." Jazmine scoffed and Sam shrugged.

"Hey, if it works..."


While Jared and Paul had something quick to eat the other three phased and ran for a little bit. Jazmine tested out Sam's theory and it proved to be working perfectly.

She was making her way through the Elders and working down each family tree. By the time Jared and Paul had phased Sam warned them not to distract her.

Jazmine watched the boys train and continued to run through lists of names. She paused at Colin and Rebekah Littlesea's father and a hush fell over the group as Paul fought off a memory.

He lost the battle and the memory of Paul pulling his shirt off and returning to kissing Rebekah flashed through his mind and all that happened after.

Don't be a hypocrite, don't be a hypocrite, don't be a-

"Why would you be a hypocrite?" Paul interrupted and Jazmine fought to regain control of her mind as her memory of kissing Embry played out in her mind.

"My mom's gonna kill me if I get murdered." Embry was gone in a flash but Paul stayed standing where he was, replaying the memory.

"So while I've been drowning in guilt for sleeping with Bekah after we broke up you were kissing Embry?"

" I kissed him once, you had sex with her." Jazmine didn't mean to get worked up and she was trying to fight it.

"You didn't think to mention it?" He asked.

"We were broken up, I could kiss whoever I want." The memory of the stranger she had been with in the club came back and she flinched as he watched it with her.

"Just one kiss huh, did you even feel bad?" Paul asked and Jazmine stared at his wolf across the clearing and let the pain she felt flood her memories.

"My body rejected the whole thing. I had already imprinted on you." Jazmine explained.

"Hold on, you knew, you knew that we were fucking soulmates and you still did it? At least I was still human!"

"I didn't want to love you, Paul. I wanted you to be happy with her if you were - not tied to me." Jazmine argued.

"You know I've avoided her for months because I thought I could never imagine how it would hurt you and now I look back at you and Embry and I know exactly how it would have felt." Paul phased out and she watched him walk away with a whine.

"I didn't expect to live through that," Embry admitted.

"Not now," Sam warned him.

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