Chapter Ten

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Jazmine was on patrol when she found out the Cullen's were back, the hard way. They hadn't adjusted parole routes and here she was surrounded by two male vampires and a blonde female.

"I think you're lost, sweetie." The biggest one said and she growled at him.

"Go home mutt, you're breaking your own treaty." The blonde female snarled.

"She's scared, she didn't know any better." The blonde male reached a hand out and Jazmine backed away before taking off at a full sprint. When she came into Quileute territory again she collapsed in the dirt and huffed out a breath. She had never run so fast in her life. She caught her breath before phasing and making her way back to Sam's in anger.

"I fucking told you to change up the patrol routes." Jazmine snapped in annoyance and Sam looked up from the paper.

"What are you talking about Jazmine?" He sighed.

"I just had a run-in with three Cullen's so from now on the patrol route has to change so no one gets caught breaking the treaty." Jazmine snapped. She had Sam's full attention now.

"Did you attack them?" Sam asked and Jazmine raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, all three are dead, I think I started a war." Jazmine scoffed.

"I'll do up some patrol routes later, for now, I'll take over. Go home." Sam sighed and Jazmine stuck her tongue out at him before leaving. She was still pissed but she knew it was just fear being manifested through anger.

On her way home Jazmine made a pit stop to get gas. She filled up Paul's truck and then made her way into the store to buy something sweet.

She was talking to Quil's mom when she spotted a familiar face over one of the shelves.

"Excuse me. I'll just be two minutes." She placed her candy bar and money on the counter before looking around one set of shelves. Standing there, bold as brass in the centre aisle was Mr Mojag Lahote.

Jazmine froze in place to stare at the familiar man using the ATM. She rushed back to the till with wide eyes and begged for the phone.

"Hey, lock up your house and go to mine and Paul's with Sarah as soon as possible. Don't question it, please." Jazmine begged Joy.

"You'll explain when we get there?" Joy asked and Jazmine sighed in relief.

"I swear." She paid for her gas and left as quick as possible, peeling out of the garage and speeding back to her home.

Sarah and Joy were waiting on the porch with a very confused Paul. When Jazmine got out she collected her thoughts and made her way up to the family.

"Paul, firstly I want you to remember your mom and little sister are here. Consider that when you hear my news." That was her way of saying 'stay a human for now, please'.

"Jazmine, you want to tell me why you uprooted us out of our house in a panic?" Joy asked.

"Paul, take your sister inside." She knew he'd still be able to hear but Sarah wouldn't. She took her place beside Joy and sighed.

"Mojag is back."


Jazmine stood against the front door of Paul's mother's house while he packed their bags. It had been decided that Sarah and Joy would stay in their house for a little while.

Paul had made the very hard decision to avoid his father rather than get into contact with him. Jazmine supported him fully which is why when his truck came barreling down the drive she told him to keep packing and let her handle it.

She leant on the porch railing with her arms crossed and watched Mr Lahote leave his car.

"Can I help you?" Jazmine called to save him having to come close.

"I was looking for the family who owns this house." He stepped closer and Jazmine held a hand up.

"They left. I heard the man in the family was a cunt and they needed a fresh start." Jazmine shrugged. His lips twitched and Jazmine smiled.

"Do you know where they went?" He asked and Jazmine shook her head.


"Do you know anything?" He asked irritably.

"3.9 GPA, I know a lot of things." She winked and he raised his eyebrows.

"Then what are you doing in a run down town like this?" He asked.

"Just because I could go to college doesn't mean I would. Not that it's anything to do with you." She laughed and he bristled.

"A little manners goes a long way." He spat and Jazmine nodded.

"Would you believe me if I told you I'm the most mannerly girl you'll ever meet?" Jazmine asked with a smile.

"I'm a little doubtful." He said and she shrugged.

"That's because I have no respect for a man who'll beat his wife and kids. Don't you know who I am Mojag?" She asked. His face fell and he stared at her closely.

"You look just like your momma did, Ms Black. Except prettier." Jazmine grimaced at him and shook her head.

"I think I just puked a little." She frowned.

"Can't take a compliment?" He asked and she shrugged.

"It's not complimenting when you compare me to my dead mother when you have no right to speak about her. I've half a mind to break your jaw for that." Jazmine admitted and he laughed.

"Big attitude." Jazmine stood to her full height and rolled her shoulders. She took the porch stairs one at a time and stopped two feet away from him.

"I know what you did to Joy and Paul. So why don't you go back to whatever city you were in and stay there." Jazmine suggested and the man squared his shoulders.

"Listen, Ms Black, I don't know what affiliation you have with my family but it's really nothing to do with you." He spat and Jazmine raised her eyebrows.

"I'm your son's girlfriend. Now if you don't mind, shoo." She waved him away and apparently he didn't like that because he reached forward and grabbed Jazmine's wrist.

"Not so smart now, are you?" He asked. The front door opened and Paul stepped out onto the porch but stayed where he was.

"Aren't you gonna come to your girl's aid?" He called and Paul shook his head.

"Nope, pretty sure Jaz is about to break your wrist." He laughed but it was forced. Rage was boiling in him.

"Pity, who have you got to stand up for you if your boyfriend is a pussy and your daddy can't walk?" Jazmine wrapped her thumb and her index finger around the wrist that held her hand.

"Let me go." She spoke softly but he ignored so she squeezed his wrist slowly until a cracking noise became evident.

She stared him in the eye and smiled politely before finally releasing his hand.

"I just broke the eight carpal bones in your wrist. It'll take time to heal. While they are healing I recommend you think about what you just tried to do and I'm warning you. Next time you put your hands on someone to hurt them I will break every bone in your legs. See how funny you think people in wheelchairs are then you dick." Jazmine made her way over to Paul's truck where he was waiting for her.

"Kind of upset Mom is staying with us." Paul frowned.

"Why's that?" Jazmine asked.

"Because that whole show there turned me on a little."

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