Chapter Five

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"Good afternoon Daddy." Jazmine smiled as she made her way in the door.

"Hiya Jaz." Billy smiled and made his way into the kitchen after her. She placed a pot on the stove and added pasta before hunting through the press for ingredients.

"Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner sound good?" Jazmine asked and Billy smiled.

"Charlie's gonna join us if you don't mind. Bella and Jake are going to the movies." Billy told her and she nodded softly. Jake had gotten a lot more touchy lately, the smallest things pissing him off but Bella seemed to be able to give him some semblance of control.

Jazmine was nearly certain he would imprint on her and she was happy that Bella might finally forget the vampires. Jazmine could find herself to like Bella if it made Jacob happy.

"That's fine daddy, you go watch tv, I've got this," Jazmine told him and found everything she was looking for.

Dinner was just finished when Charlie arrived with a bright smile. It was clear a weight had been lifted off his shoulders now that Bella had come around.

"That smells good Jaz." Charlie complimented and she smiled at him.

"You go watch tv and I'll call you both when it's ready." She smiled and went back to plating up the meal.

"What time did Jake say they'd be home at?" Charlie asked Billy quietly.

"The movie started at five but he said they'd be getting food after so maybe nine thirty?" Billy said and Jazmine smiled.

"How's Jaz getting along with Paul?" Charlie whispered and Jazmine was tempted to laugh at the fact she could hear him loud and clear.

"Perfectly, since they've gotten back together he treats her like a princess," Billy promised and Jazmine smiled at the adoration in his voice.

"That's good. She deserves nothing less." Honestly, Charlie made Jazmine so happy.

"If you two are done gossiping like little old women, you're dinner is on the table." Jazmine placed the plates down before returning for hers.

"Looks as good as it smells." Billy smiled.

"Let's hope it tastes just as good." She teased and lifted her fork. Jazmine paused at the sound of a car and checked the clock on the oven.

It was only seven but she could swear Jake was after pulling up.

"Excuse me." She pushed her chair back and made her way outside to where Jake's rabbit was idling but he was nowhere to be seen.

Jazmine turned the car off and listened carefully, following the noise of Jacob down to his garage. She watched him pace before knocking gingerly on the door.

"Am I allowed in?" She asked softly and he nodded. His hands, arms and shoulders were shaking and she sighed softly.

"What happened?" She asked.

"She still wants that damn Cullen guy. Why can't she see that I make her happy?" Jacob asked and Jazmine frowned and opened her arms.

Jacob rocketed into them and she hugged him tightly, in a way she hadn't in a long time.

"Why am I not good enough?" Jacob whispered and Jazmine hugged him tighter. They all had their ways of dealing with the loss of their mother and Jacob's was being so perfect that he never lost anyone again.

"It's okay, it's gonna get easier." She promised him softly.

"I'm getting sick, aren't I?" He asked and Jazmine nodded.

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