Chapter Eleven

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Jazmine was lying on a blanket next to Joy who was reading a book. Paul and Sarah could be heard splashing in the distance. The group had decided to take a beach day to calm rising tensions. Mojag hadn't left LaPush yet but he had been seen wearing a cast on his wrist.

Joy and Sarah were staying in their own home again and he had yet to come near them so Jazmine would count that as a success.

Sarah was squealing with laughter and Jazmine laughed at Paul who was spinning her around.

"He's so good with her," Jazmine said and Joy looked up and nodded.

"He always has been good with kids. Let's hope he'll be as good with his own." Jazmine's smile fell and she swallowed harshly.

"Oh, I don't think-"

"I know, not now. But Paul has always wanted kids, he just wants to be a good father." Joy smiled and Jazmine nodded, her stomach turning.

"Not with me, I can't have kids to the best of my knowledge," Jazmine admitted and Joy's smile fell.

"Oh honey no, I'm so sorry. Me and my big mouth." Joy sighed and Jazmine shrugged.

"I guess we can adopt or whatever in the future." Jazmine hugged her knees to her chest and caught Paul's eye. He wasn't smiling anymore and he was coming towards Jazmine and his mother while talking to Sarah.

She knew he had heard, especially when he sat next to her and lifted her onto his lap. She leant against his chest and smiled softly. His hand ran over her stomach before he kissed her cheek and looked out at the water.

"You'll be okay." He promised. Jazmine smiled and was interrupted in replying by her phone.

"Hello?" Jazmine asked.

"Jaz, you wanna tell me why Mojag LaHote is knocking at my door looking for you?" Her dad asked and Jazmine rolled her eyes.

"Ask him to leave and if he doesn't have Jake deal with him." Jazmine sighed.

"Jake's not here and he's really very insistent. What does he want?" Billy asked.

"You see the cast on his wrist?"

"You didn't." Billy sighed.

"He called me sweetie." Jazmine protested and her father sighed before hanging up the call. Paul sighed but let her go, knowing she needed to check on her dad.

"I'll only be ten minutes." She promised and pulled on a pair of denim shorts over her swimsuit. She blew Paul a kiss and jogged up the beach.


Yelling was obvious from the forest and Jazmine jogged up the back yard and around to the front of the house where her Dad was listening calmly to Mojag yell obscenities.

"Now, didn't we have words about this?" Jazmine asked, coming to stand beside her father.

"You broke my fucking wrist." He yelled and she nodded.

"Did I get all eight?" She asked and he spat at her making her top lip curl in distaste.

"That's real classy. Have some respect, I am a lady." She sighed and he scoffed.

"No woman from your family was ever a lady." Billy bristled and Jazmine shrugged.

"Guess you don't class them as ladies until you beat them into submission, right?" She asked and he rolled his eyes.

"You don't know anything. So my boy came crying to you once or twice. I never even hit him hard. Or that bitch he calls a mother." It was only then Jazmine got a whiff of the alcohol coming from him and noticed how he leant on his car.

"You listen here honey and you listen well. So far you've yelled at my dad, insulted my mother and insulted my future mother-in-law. Is there anyone else you'd like to have a crack at before I break your legs?" Jazmine asked and hopped over the porch railing.

"My boy is marrying you, he'll realise his mistake soon. I've already called the cops, I'm gonna tell them what you did to my wrist."Jazmine figured a stretch of the truth made no difference but she didn't like how he seemed so smug but it stopped when Jazmine slotted one hand around his neck and lifted him smoothly into the air, without effort.

"The cops can't do anything to me, honey." She whispered and let him down when he started to gasp. She stepped back in time for Charlie's cruiser to pull into the drive.

"Jaz, I got called for some guy, accused you of breaking his wrist." Charlie then spotted Mojag who was grinning from ear to ear. seemed

"That was me, officer, this girl broke my wrist with her bare hand." He pointed at Jazmine who raised her eyebrows at Charlie.

"Charlie this would be Paul's estranged father. He came up to my dad yelling about some shit and then accused me of breaking his wrist. He drove here too and he's drunk." Jazmine frowned and Charlie rolled her eyes.

"I'll take care of him. You get your dad inside." Jazmine did as she was told and listened to Charlie scoff at Mojag for even suggesting Jazmine broke his wrist, let alone with her bare hand.

"She's a nineteen-year-old girl for chrissakes, a big nineteen-year-old girl but still." He sighed before loading Mojag in the back of the cruiser.


"Did you deal with it?" Paul asked as he opened his arms for Jazmine. She nodded and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Mhmm." She nodded and settled into his hold. She watched Joy and Sarah walk along the waters edge with a soft smile.

"She's sorry about what she said earlier." Paul sighed and Jazmine shrugged.

"She didn't know any better." Jazmine nuzzled her face into Paul's neck and breathed deeply.

"I really dislike your father." She whispered and he laughed drily.

"Join the club."

Jazmine sat in Paul's hold long after Joy and Sarah had gone home. The sun had set and the wind was blowing but since the cold didn't affect them they stayed sitting in silence just holding each other.

It was the calmest evening they'd had since Jazmine had become a wolf and she cherished every second of it. 

Something told her that since the Cullen's and Mojag were back in the picture, she wasn't likely to get this opportunity again anytime soon.

Well, there it is, the second book in the Jazmine Black series. I was gonna write into Eclipse but Eclipse feels like a long book so bare with me while I catch up. As always I'll have the next book up as soon as possible but it is exam season for me right now. The good news is midterm is only two weeks away. xx

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