Chapter Four

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Jazmine was staring at the grain of the wood attempting to breathe through the pain in her chest. She hadn't answered Paul and he hadn't pushed.

She was trying to work through the pain and figure out what she was supposed to reply to that.

"Did you spend yesterday with her?" Jazmine asked and Paul nodded.

"Did you kiss her?" Jazmine asked.

"No, the second it happened I pushed her back," Paul promised and Jazmine nodded.

"I guess that's it then." She shrugged and made her way inside. She felt physically and mentally exhausted. She wasn't able to fight with him.

"That's it then?" Paul asked and Jazmine shrugged. She made her way into the kitchen and opened the fridge before sighing and closing it.

"Jaz, talk to me," Paul begged and Jazmine shrugged.

"I don't know what to say." She told him honestly.

"Yell at me, say anything. Just don't shut me out." He sighed.

"Why would I yell at you? You brought her here to punish me and I get it, I deserved it. You pushed her away. That's all there is to it." Jazmine shrugged.

"Jaz, it wasn't to punish you. Rebekah is my friend and I brought her here to talk. Just as you would with Embry." Paul sighed and Jazmine nodded.

"Okay, but why were you pushing her out the door before I could see her?" Jazmine asked.

"I knew you would overreact," Paul told her and she nodded slowly.

"That's fine, I have no right to. I just spent all day with Embry." Jazmine said and Paul growled. She rolled her eyes and made her way into the room.

Paul followed her and she could see his hands shaking but she ignored it and changed for bed.

"What were you two doing?" He asked and she turned to stare at him blankly.

"You'd know if it was anything we weren't supposed to be doing." She shrugged and got into bed on her side.

"Jaz, you can understand why I don't like you being with him alone."

"But I over react when you bring her into our house at three in the morning?" Jazmine asked and Paul sighed.

"It's different." He told her and she sighed.

"For someone who aced all his classes, you're incredibly dumb." Jazmine sighed.

"The imprint wasn't enough to make you stop kissing him. I'm worried it won't be enough to stop it again." Paul admitted.

"The day I kissed Embry as the day you told me you'd had sex with Rebekah. The day I got accepted to college and the day I felt more lost than I ever had before." Jazmine told him.

"Baby, I'm just scared," Paul whispered and Jazmine turned to face him.

"I love you, but at the time you were something I couldn't have. So I reacted to the fact that Embry had been nice to me, not because I love him or because I don't love you." She told him and he sighed.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"So am I." She leant forward and kissed him softly before pulling away. "Doesn't mean I won't have words with Rebekah when I see her."

Paul laughed and wrapped his arm around Jazmine's waist and pulled her closer to him.

"I can't sleep if I can't feel you." He told her and kissed her neck softly.


As much as Jazmine hated fighting she loved the day after. She was currently in the kitchen making breakfast in just one of Paul's shirts.

Paul was standing against the counter watching her every move and helping out where he could. Jazmine felt amazing with Paul's attention on her and kept turning to smile at him happily.

"God, I love you." Paul hummed softly and Jazmine smiled. She dished up the last of the breakfast and turned to face Paul who pulled her towards him and lifted her onto the breakfast.

"Baby, the food will get cold." She laughed and he shrugged.

"Not really hungry for food right now." He grinned and pulled her closer by her hips.

"Mm, suddenly I'm not so hungry either." She grinned and he raised his eyebrows before kissing her.

"Not here." She whispered.

"Why not, it's our house baby, no one is gonna walk in on us." He promised and Jazmine smiled and leant back on the counter.


"In our defence, you walked into our house without knocking or even making noise to let us know you were coming," Paul spoke up.

"I didn't think you'd be going at it on the counter." Jared sputtered.

"Well, you should still knock." Jazmine defended, she had Paul's shirt wrapped around her and was attempting to button it in a panic.

"You should have sex in the bedroom, like a normal person." Jared was just as red as Jazmine.

"Just because your sex life is boring, or lack thereof," Paul commented and smirked.

"Kim and I are waiting for when it feels right." Jared snapped. Jazmine finally got her shirt buttoned and stepped out from behind Paul.

"Paul's just being an ass. Ignore him. What did you come here for?" Jazmine asked.

"Of course I'm being an ass, he interrupted us." Paul pouted and she rolled her eyes.

"We're all heading down to the beach and I was coming to invite you." Jared sighed and Jazmine smiled.

"Let us get ready and we'll meet you there," Jazmine told him and watched him leave.

"Why not, it's our house baby, no one is gonna walk in on us." Jazmine mocked a sheepish Paul.

"It's not my fault I can't resist you." He frowned.

"Well, you better get that problem fixed." She laughed.

"I'm not so sure it's a problem I want fixing."


Jazmine stood up on the cliff and let the wind blow her hair. She smiled at Paul before stretching her arms out and falling backwards slowly. On her way, down she thought she could see Bella's truck and frowned before hitting the water.

Only a few seconds after Paul joined her in the water, having being pushed off by Jared and Embry. Bella and Jacob were watching from a distance and she ignored them.

Turning to Paul she wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed his lips softly. She laughed when Jared splashed in beside them and she twisted in Paul's grip to look at him.

"I've seen enough of that to last a lifetime." Jared teased and Jazmine rolled her eyes but turned back to hide her face in Paul's neck.

"Leave me alone," Jazmine whined. She pushed off Paul and splashed them both before swimming back to shore. She met Emily and Kim on the beach and took the towel Kim offered her.

"Thanks. Your boyfriend is a dick, by the way." Jazmine laughed and took a seat beside the women as the boys raced up for another turn.

"What did he do now?" Kim laughed and Jazmine rolled his eyes.

"Well firstly, he doesn't know how to knock," Jazmine told them and they stared at her before understanding dawned on their faces.

"He walked into your room?" Kim asked in confusion.

"Well, we may have been on the kitchen counter, but still!" Jazmine protested as the girls laughed.

"Oh my god Jaz." Kim was clutching her sides while laughing.

"I'm gonna pee myself." Emily giggled.

"You two are dicks." Jazmine huffed and covered her face with a towel.

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