Chapter Nine

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Jazmine was sitting on Paul's knee listening to Sam discuss the new routes for patrol. They had to be cautious now because there were hunters out looking for them in the woods. Harry Clearwater was with them to lead them off any tracks but he was only one man. It was time the wolves stopped being seen out in the woods.

Jazmine was only half paying attention, she really was the worse third in command. Paul was giving Sam all his attention so Jazmine trusted he'd fill her in later. For now, she was content just having his arms around her.

She and Paul had evening patrol so they were just waiting the afternoon out at Sam's house. It wasn't until a panicked howl broke the silence that everyone darted from their places.

"That was Jake." Jazmine entered the tree line and began taking her clothes off.

"He'll be fine," Paul assured her. She ignored him and phased as quick as she possibly could.

"Red-headed leech, heading for the beach." Jazmine took off at top speed. Jacob and Embry had already gotten a head start but Jazmine was fast.

She reached them first with Sam on her heels but she didn't stop. She took off past them in a blur, chasing the red head.

"Jaz, stop!" Jacob called but she ignored his warning.

"Don't you see, she's the reason you phased, why people are still phasing. She has to go."

Jazmine only stopped at the cliff's edge and that was because she couldn't even see the red head. What she could see was Charlie Swan kneeling over the body of his best friend and giving CPR.



Jacob had taken off towards Bella but Jazmine had phased and was changing as quick as she could before stumbling towards Harry.

"Charlie, what happened?" She came to kneel next to Charlie who was counting his compressions.

"Heart attack," Charlie grunted. Jazmine pushed his hands away and leant down to listen to his chest.

"He's gone." She whispered and rested her forehead against his chest. "He's gone."

"No, Jaz, he can't be," Charlie argued. Paul and Jared joined Jazmine with sombre expressions.

"I'm so sorry Charlie, but he's gone." Jazmine looked up to Paul who bit his lip before nodding to Jared. Between the two they managed to pick him up. Jazmine kneeled in front of Charlie who looked a million miles away.

"Charlie, come here." Jazmine wrapped her arms around him tightly. "I've got you."


Once Jazmine got Charlie to the Clearwater's she had phased to take on patrol, everyone else would be too busy. Paul would join her in time but right now he was consoling Sue because Jazmine didn't have the strength.

She was running the old routes, trying her best to focus on the ground and not the fact that the red haired vampire had killed Harry. She could smell her on his clothes.

Next time Jazmine got a chance no one would get in her way. That was the one thing she promised herself. It wasn't long before she was joined but that was not Paul in her head.

"Hey, calm down. I need to see where you are." Jazmine was in no mood to deal with any pups right now but she made her way to the confused wolf who was very near a road.

"You need to stay in the forest. I know this is all terrifying but you need to keep calm."

"Don't tell me to calm down, my father just fucking died and my ex is in my house."

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