Chapter Three

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Jazmine was sitting on the porch while reading. She hadn't bothered to go inside yet because Paul wasn't there and she didn't like how silent the house was. She figured he was probably with his mom and sister so she gave him some space.

She felt like shit for what she had done and she knew she had no reason to play the victim. She had kissed the stranger, kissed Embry and she had made that decision because she was pissed at Paul.

Not because she didn't want to love him. There has never been a minute since Paul had come into her life that she hasn't loved him with everything in her.

When Paul hadn't returned by midnight Jazmine gave up waiting and went to bed. She had patrol at three and knew Sam would kill her for not sleeping.

When her phone woke her she was still alone in bed but not in the house. Paul was here, she could feel it but he wasn't alone. One of the pack must've been with him.

Jazmine dressed for patrol slowly, scared to face him and it was obvious he felt the same, his heart was racing.

"Paul, baby?" She called quietly, making her way down the hall. She found him in the living room attempting to usher someone out the door.

"Rebekah?" Jazmine asked softly and the figure froze in the door.

"Jazmine, you've a lovely home." Rebekah smiled softly and Jazmine turned to Paul.

"I didn't realise you had the morning shift." He rubbed the back of his head and she nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I swapped with um, with Jared. I better get going." She turned and made her way out the back door, unable to pass through them.


"Forget something?" Jacob asked. He was standing in the living room, tossing an apple between his hands.

"Yeah, the reason I left." She admitted and curled up in the armchair.

"What's up?" Jazmine was surprised when Jacob sat across from her with a small frown.

"Paul found out about how I kissed Embry. He's not happy." Jazmine shrugged and Jacob nodded slowly.

"Can't say I'm over the moon either but I have no right to be mad at you, either does Paul," Jacob told her.

"Well, he is, bothered him enough to go running back to Rebekah," Jazmine told him and Jacob frowned.

"That's not fair, where did they go?" He asked and Jazmine shrugged.

"I don't know but I woke at three a.m and she was in my house so that about sums it up," Jazmine told him and his hands started to shake. She watched in awe as he controlled it, just as she had. Billy had to have two kids who could control themselves so well.

"I've had this on/off fever and I went to see Sue about it but she told me to talk to you, am I getting what you had?" Jacob asked and Jazmine's heart hurt at the worry in the face.

"I think you might but Jake, it's not going to hurt you," Jazmine promised.

"Can't you tell me what's going on, please?" He begged and Jazmine wanted to. She wanted nothing more to tell him but as she attempted to her voice was cut off and the more she fought it the worse it got.

"I can't." She whispered and Jake nodded.

"Figured you'd say that. Get some sleep Jaz, I'll be in the garage if you need me. You even have my permission to come in for today." He gave her a small smile before leaving.

Jazmine watched him go with a heavy heart. She had hoped that with the Cullen's gone he wouldn't phase but it seems the gene had been triggered before they left.

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