Chapter Seven

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"Why do we have to walk out of the forest like a bunch of creeps. We'll give my dad a heart attack one of these days." Jazmine laughed and fixed the strap of her sports bra.

"Well, I prefer not being seen roaming around as a giant wolf," Sam said and Jazmine laughed.

"Maybe if Jake didn't sleep in we wouldn't have to collect him for group patrol." Embry laughed. Jazmine was about to make a joke about him always oversleeping but was interrupted by Bella storming out of her Dad's house.

"Well then." She frowned and paused in place along with the others.

"What did you do?" Bella demanded. She slammed her hands into Sam's chest and repeated her question causing Jared to step up.


"Easy," Sam warned.

"He didn't want this." She insisted and Paul got in the way.

"What did we do? What did he do? What did he tell you?" Paul began to shake and Sam pushed him back.

"Both of you, calm down," Sam said.

"Nothing, he tells me nothing because he's scared of you." Bella insisted and Jazmine rolled her eyes before pushing past the boys with a laugh.

"Jacob is a big boy Bella he-" Jazmine blinked at the impact of Bella's hand connecting with her cheek and she reared back.

"Too late now." Jared cheered as Paul began to shake violently.

"You should've just stayed away." Jazmine hissed and turned to face Paul.

"Baby, don't do this." She begged but there was no stopping it. Paul was going to phase and he was gunning for Bella.

"Bella get back. Paul, calm down now." Sam ordered. Bella began backing away slowly and Jazmine sighed and moved out of Paul's way. He wouldn't kill her, probably wouldn't even scratch her.

Suddenly Paul was a wolf and was stalking towards Bella who was running away at this point. Jake came running from the house and hopped the porch, ignoring Bella's warnings to run.

"Shouldn't have hit Jaz." Jared laughed.

Jazmine watched the two wolves snarl and dodge each other before laughing.

"I guess it's in our genes to be able to phase so naturally." Jazmine was impressed at Jacob's ability to phase mid-jump just like she could.

"Guy's, not the good boat!" Jazmine called but they crashed through it anyway and she rolled her eyes.

"My dad will whoop their ass." She laughed.

"Take Bella back to Emily's place." Sam looked between the three and Jazmine laughed.

"No. I'm going to calm them down." She insisted.

"Your hate will only fuel Jacob's rage. Get in the truck and take her back." Sam ordered and Jazmine mock saluted him.

"Guess the wolf is out of the bag." Jared laughed.

"Your pun game is so weak." Jazmine sighed.


Jazmine stood when Paul came into the kitchen and let him take her seat before sitting on his lap and handing him the muffin she had saved. He had a healing mark on his arm and she ran her thumb over it gently.

"He's such a little bitch." Jazmine huffed and Paul laughed.

"I'm fine. It's nearly healed." He kissed her forehead and she made herself more comfortable before looking up to her brother in the doorway.

"I'm not cooking for you for a week." She told him and he laughed before nodding for Bella to follow him out of the house.

"So does this mean she'll be hanging around more because I don't think I can take that," Jazmine spoke up and everyone laughed.

"Definitely not, I think Paul scared her." Jared laughed and Jazmine smiled.

"Good, maybe for once she'll run from the big, bad monsters." She laughed before turning to Jared. "I'm kidding."

Jared didn't like to be referred to anything other than a wolf and if you didn't make it explicitly clear you were kidding he would probably phase on the spot. They all had funny little ticks like that.

Jazmine was quite content on Paul's lap and found herself falling asleep after having the early patrol shift. She didn't wake again until she was lifted.

"Go back to sleep, I'm just bringing you home," Paul whispered and she settled back into his arms, knowing she was safe.


"She's been here all day." Jazmine groaned and spread herself out on Sam and Emily's couch.

"Don't be mean, she's a nice girl." Emily laughed and Jazmine looked up to growl at Emily.

"Hey, direct those growls somewhere else," Sam called, only half joking.

"May I growl at your cushion?" She asked.

"You may." Jazmine covered her face and growled at the cushion before sighing.

"Don't you think you're over reacting, just slightly?" Kim asked and Jazmine rolled her eyes.

"Nope. Perfectly justified." Jazmine could hear them coming up the drive and she groaned continuously until the came in the door.

"Hey, guys," Emily spoke up and Jazmine rolled her eyes. That woman was easy to please.

"I'm gonna jump off a cliff." Jazmine sighed to herself.

"Sorry?" Bella asked in confusion.

"I'm going to jump off a cliff, for recreational purposes. Not because I don't like you or anything." Jazmine said and Jared snorted.

"Nice save dumbass." He laughed.

"Ugh, I'm going home. Try not to piss anyone off Bella." Jazmine was halfway down the steps when she frowned and reached up to her neck.

Her necklace wasn't on it.

She made her way back in the door and zeroes in on the couch. She lifted the cushion calmly at first but when she couldn't find it she began knocking them to the side roughly.

"Jaz, what's wrong?" Sam asked.

"My necklace, it's gone," Jazmine said and tried to ignore the panic clawing it's way up her neck.

"You lost Mom's ring?" Jacob asked and Jazmine gripped her throat as breathing became harder.

"No, it has to be somewhere." She choked out.

"Somethings wrong with Jaz." Paul burst in the front door and when he found her he was at her side in an instant.

"How did he know?" Bella asked.

"He could feel it." Jacob sighed.

"I had it on when we traded Paul. I'm almost certain and now it's gone." Jazmine's breathing had turned heavy and Paul forced her to focus in on him.

"Baby, you need to breathe, we'll find it." He whispered and turned to look at everyone who was staring at the pair.

"Why aren't you all looking?" He snapped and they scattered to look in different places. But it was no use, the ring was nowhere to be found.

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