Chapter Six

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Jazmine was running through the forest when she caught Bella's scent. Her pause alerted Jared who stopped where he was.

"What is she doing this deep in the woods?" Jared asked and Jazmine followed the scent. At a certain point, it became entwined with a smell that burned her nose like bleach.

"Vampire."Jaz howled loudly to alert the others and took off running in the direction the scent had gone.

"Jaz, we need to wait," Jared warned but Jazmine kept running. She needed to make sure Bella was safe, not because she liked her but because Jacob and Charlie loved her.

"I won't attack, I just have to make sure she's safe," Jazmine promised. She found herself at the edge of a clearing, looking over a vampire and Bella.

"What's going on?"


"Jaz, stay where you are. I mean it." Paul's thoughts were loudest and Jazmine listened to him, retreating out of sight but still keeping Bella in her vision.

She waited for everyone to catch up and the minute he mentioned killing Bella that was when they sprung. He had red eyes and they knew there was no trusting him.

Jazmine was on Sam's right, Jared on his left and they were the first to reach the vampire.

Everyone was scared because this was the first time they had actually come into contact with a vampire but this is what they were built to do.

Sam pounced first and was thrown back into the clearing. While the Cold One was distracted Jared pounced and Jazmine followed him quickly and bit his arm. He pushed her off before she could do damage and sent her into a tree.

That was when Paul got involved. With one jump Paul tackled the vampire and closed his mouth around his neck and pulled.


"Only Bella would manage to find a fucking vampire in the woods patrolled by werewolves. That girl attracts the supernatural." Jared sighed and Jazmine snorted lightly.

"You don't like her, do you?" Emily asked. She placed a plate of muffins on the table and Jazmine dived for one ahead of the boys before sitting back in her chair and thinking about her answer.

"It's obvious I'm not fond of her but there's a reason. The girl has one of my favourite men in the world as a father and she acts like living with him is some burden and puts herself in danger's way every chance she gets. Never once has she stood back and thought how it might affect him if she never comes home." Jazmine explained and Emily nodded.

"She was in love, wouldn't you do the same for Paul?" Sam asked. She knew he wasn't challenging her, he just wanted to understand.

"I would like to think that I wouldn't be bonded to him if he had to feed off living things to survive if his natural instinct was to kill." Jazmine shrugged.

"Not that, but would you put yourself in danger for him?" Sam asked and Jazmine bit her lip in thought.

"If Paul was certain to die and I could get in the way I would. But it's not like my father would be the last thing on my mind. It's different too because he understands. Charlie would never know." Jazmine sighed.

"I'm not fighting you, I dislike her just as much as you do, it's nice to see other sides to it." Sam shrugged and Jazmine smiled. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach from thinking about Paul dying and she looked to the clock.

"Ten minutes and I'll go trade," Jared promised and Jazmine smiled softly.

"I know it's stupid but thinking about it-"

"Hurts." Sam and Jared finished with a frown. Sam's arm tightened around Emily's waist and Jared looked down at his phone.

"I think I might just call Kim before patrol." Jared ducked out of the kitchen with his phone to his ear.

"You guys are such saps." Jacob laughed with Embry from the couch.

"You wouldn't understand, maybe one day, though." Jazmine teased and pulled her knees up to her chest. She finished her muffin and then pulled two more off the plate for Paul because Embry and Jake were eating like there was no tomorrow.

"Heard you missed me." Jazmine smiled up at Paul who leant down to kiss her forehead.

"Saved you some muffins." She held them up and he smiled before leaning in and kissing her slowly.

"Caught a glimpse of Jared's thoughts, got me thinking too." He explained before pulling away.


Jazmine was sitting on the counter while Paul made dinner and she was talking about random memories that popped into her mind. They mostly focused on back in the beginning of their relationship but sometimes she'd remember something from before and she'd have to tell him even though he had probably heard the story a million times before.

"My mom sat me down the day grandpa died and she tried to explain death to me and it took a while but I finally grasped the concept of it, mostly just that grandpa wouldn't be back anytime soon and my mother tried to find something to relate it to, a quote or something, she was good at that. She told me-"

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart and I'll stay there forever. It was from Winnie the Pooh and when you really miss your Mom you doodle it in random places or whisper it under your breath without even noticing." Paul finished and Jazmine smiled at him.

"I love you." She told him and he nodded.

"I love you more."

"I love you most." She finished with a grin and he rolled his eyes. He turned back to stare at the dinner he was making but she could see his smile and it made her smile.

"When we get married can we honeymoon in Rome? That's where my parents went." She smiled and thought of the stories she'd heard.

"Already planning our wedding?" He asked with a grin.

"Very casual, eloping in Vegas with Jared and Kim to witness then we'll go to Europe," Jazmine told him and he laughed.

"What, no big white wedding?" Paul asked and Jazmine laughed.

"A small wedding on the beach with just the pack, my sisters, my dad and Charlie for me. You can invite your family." Jazmine shrugged and Paul stepped in between her legs and pulled her to the edge of the counter.

"Sounds perfect, I'm guessing in Summer?" He asked and Jazmine nodded.

"Preferably, for the non-werewolves who might have an issue with the cold." Jazmine wrapped her arms around Paul's neck.

"It's our special day, they can suck it up," Paul whispered and Jazmine smiled.

"Hate to ruin the moment baby but the pasta is boiling over."

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