Jumin x Ailurophobia!reader

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Ailurophobia- fear of cats

Here you were at your boyfriend's apartment for the third time this year. Jumin Han was his name and worked as a executive director in the RFA. You worked as his secretary so you were often around him more than Jaehee was.

Today he had an important project to finish up and he had invited you to his home to finish up the project. You had found out he had someone named Elizabeth the 3rd living with him. The way he spoke about her made you think that he had a daughter. Elizabeth the 3rd had yet to appear but you had also assumed she was just a shy girl and would approach you when the time was right. He just seemed so good at his job and how he seemed professional in every way he spoke. He made Fifty Shades of Grey look like it was written by a child.

"How's this?" Jumin asked handing you the laptop. Your eyes scanned over the slides, pursing your lips and pointing at the screen.

"Well, you see. Here's where it starts to shift away from the point. We got to make some changes there."

"Right." he nodded before getting up. "Are you thirsty or hungry, (Y/n)?" he asked.

"Thirsty." You replied.

"Don't worry. I'm sure we have enough time for that, princess." he smirked causing you to become flustered.

"Jumin!" you pouted not expecting that. "I want juice."

"Oh, I know.~" he winked to which you slapped his butt before he had left the room. Then returned back to work, making a few changes to the slides. Little did you not notice the small cat that entered the room. Curious of the new visitor, she hopped on the couch next to you.

You stiffened as you felt something soft glide against your arm. You glanced over to see a white furry, blue eyed cat sitting next to you. You turned back to your laptop only to shoot your head back to the feline next to you. You were shaking and couldn't move as it starred innocently back at you. It climbed into your lap and you were staying still as best you could but you were inwardly panicking.

"I found the original files, (Y/n)." Jumin said as he came back into the living room with a glass of cranberry juice. When he noticed your silence he looked up to see that you were looking pale. "(Y/n)? Are you feeling alright?" he asked approaching with a concerned expression on his face as he set down the glass on the coffee table away from the laptop.

"I-I..ca..cat." were the only words you could say. He raised a brow at this.

"Yes, I see you've met Elizabeth the 3rd." he smiled seeing how comfortable his precious pet was with you. "She seems to like you.-" You began making weird cries as Elizabeth perched herself up onto your chest wanting to kiss your face. "(Y/n)?-"

"Please get her off." You said moving your face away from her.

"Very well." he sighed getting her off you. Your color seemed to return once again.

"Thank you." you sighed in relief.

"(Y/n), do you not like cats?" he asked.

"I-It's not that.." she sighed looking at her hands which rested on her lap.

"You can tell me anything, (Y/n). I'm your boyfriend."Jumin said sitting next to you.

"Okay.. Well, when I was a little girl."


An 8 year old you had been playing ball with your older brother/sister when your ball rolled across the street into an alleyway. "I'll get it!" You ran into the alley and saw the ball not too far away. You were about to grab it when you heard a growl in front of you. You looked into the broken crate to see a pair of yellow eyes starring at you as it growled. You were still a few seconds and grabbed the ball. Before you knew it the cat had lunged at you and began clawing at you. You cried out letting the ball roll away as you tried to get it off your shirt. You managed to get away but ever since then, your fear of cats has impacted your life.


Once you finished your story Jumin hugged you before moving back, petting his cat.

"Honestly, I didn't know you had a cat." you said.

"But I always talk about Elizabeth the 3rd."

"You do but I had assumed she was your daughter or something."

"Daughter?" he chuckled before looking down at his precious. "Well, I suppose she is something like that." He looked back at you with a serious frown. "But I assure you, (Y/n). Elizabeth the 3rd is very tamed. You should try and pet her." he held her up closer to you and you moved back as far as you could from the cat.

"N-No, I shouldn't."

"Yes, you should. I promise she won't lay a claw on you." Jumin said as he scooted closer and you were getting nervous.

"O-Okay.." you bit your lip and reached out to touch Elizabeth but you immediately flinched when she 'meowed'. "I-I can't do this!" Jumin was quite shocked at how high pitched your voice was. That only happened when you were really scared.

"Elizabeth?" Jumin said surprised when she jumped into your lap again. You let out a cry keeping your eyes on her every move. She perched herself up onto your chest again and you shut your eyes in complete fear.

"Jumin, please get her off me!" You cried before you felt something wet like sandpaper touch your nose. You looked to see Elizabeth the 3rd licking the tip of your nose with a few meows and purrs.

"She must like you a lot." Jumin commented with a small smile as he watched. You were still in awe as she seemed to purr and rub herself against you wanting you to love her just as much as her owner did. "Try petting her." he suggested you were going to do so but you stopped when she turned her head to your hand. You wanted to put it back down but your boyfriend held the back of your hand, encouraging you. So with a shaky breath, he lead your hand to stroke her small head. Your nerves calmed down when you saw that Elizabeth the 3rd wasn't going to try and harm you. She purred at your touches and you smiled as you continued your gentle strokes.

"She's so cute." You smiled as you began to pet her without much worry.

"Maybe you can hold her now." Jumin suggested with a smile.

"N-Not yet." you stuttered out.

"Don't worry, we have all the time for you to get used to her."

After all, you just barley got used to petting one cat. It would take time and Jumin promised to be there to guide you every step of the way.

"Thank you so much." Jumin whispered to his cat as he retreated from the room with her in her arms.


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