Tainted Part 2

590 12 16

Part 2

10:46 PM - 11:32PM

Requested  by succum


violence, sexual themes, colourful language. Enjoy~


It had been about two months and three days that both Saeran and (Y/n) had broken the rules. It wasn't as obvious that his lover had become pregnant. He was shocked but it was his own fault. He was overtaken by lust that caused this. Yet he refused to let her have an abortion. She was having that child whether she wanted it or not.

"Is something wrong, my princess?" he asked as he entered their room. Their room. Something about that made him feel giddy inside.

"I feel like it's noticeable." she said with a frown as she looked at herself in a full-length mirror. Hands were on her stomach as she looked at herself from the side and front. She jumped as Saeran's hands wrapped around her and felt her stomach. There was a small bump but nothing noticeable. She turned to face him.

"It's nothing notable." he assured. Maybe it was her hormones. "We still have time." she sighed. Her (e/c) meeting his mint colored ones.

"I'm still worried that someone will find out." she looked down at her stomach which he was gently stroking with his hands. His eyes seemed to soften at the thought of her stomach growing.

"No one will." he said leaning down and kissing her stomach. She couldn't help but laugh as he began to give her butterfly kisses on the exposed skin. She had to pull away from him to pull herself together.

"Stop! I -can barely handle it.." she chucked. He smiled before taking a step forward causing her to move back. "S-Saeran! Wait!" she stiffened as he pounced on her and began tickling her sides causing her laughter to rise. "Hahaha!!! S-Saeran! Stop! Haha!~"

Saeran could feel it. Their paradise would be brighter then what Mint Eye had to offer and they didn't need Rika for that..


"Thou shall not go against their God. If they do it is the job of the worshippers to take care of the nonbelievers." Rika had one of the occult followers recite from memory. They had practiced the rules to the point they hardly needed it written down to remember. Rika was the one leading this secret occult and was the God of their religion. A religion that was slowly becoming less and less believable to Saeran and his lover. Rika wasn't worthy of such a title by letting people such as V know of this occult. Thus Saeran had devised a plan to go against the blonde goddess. As she showered he managed to hack her apartment and freeze up the CCTV security cameras.

'She was foolish to even trust me in the long run..' he thought as he looked at the golden knife. A smirk crossing his lips as he set it back down in the same spot. He then looked at her computers and files. One of the files were labeled as 'Top Secret' and had just been delivered by an RFA agent. He opened it and read what was inside. His eyes widen before he deleted the file and turned off her laptop. He rushed out the balcony door and climbed down before heading to his bike and drove back to Mint Eye. He then rushed to their apartment like home.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)?" Saeran stepped into the kitchen as he passed by the living room.

"Saeran!" she called out weakly. The white haired male rushed over before stopping as he saw an RFA agent holding her down onto the table with a gun. She whimpered in pain as he was holding her down with so much force that it was hurting her. "Help..us." She was using her arms to protect her baby from the edge of the glass table. Tears on the corners of her eyes. Who knows how long she had to endure this.. parasite.

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