Maybe Another Day - Jumin x Reader

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"STOP THE CAR! STOP THE CAR!!" You yelled loudly as Jumin was behind the wheel.


Being the lover of you're fiance you had wanted to actually teach him how to drive properly so he wouldn't have to let someone drive him around. It wasn't usually a bother but you'd be afraid if Driver Kim had an accident and Jumin would be in the backseat unsure of what to do at a time like that. Not taking any chances, you decided to teach him. Sure, he seemed to do well on the text but when it came to being behind the wheel. It's like it had a mind of it's own and speeded up along with going onto the wrong lane or road too quickly.

Even Jumin seemed shaky once his hands touched the wheel.

"Honey, it's okay to be nervous at first. Everyone is. Just take a deep breath and try driving." They had cleared an entire parking lot for themselves to practice on once Jumin came out of work.

At first, you thought Jumin was so cute being so nervous to do something so simple but after the first turn you can see why no one in the RFA and his previous driving instructors had successfully had teached him how to drive.

"AHHH!!!" Jaehee watched from a few feet away while holding her phone. She had the ambulance on standby since of the previous incidents with Jumin Han behind the wheel.

The car made a harsh few turns before coming to a sharp stop, almost hitting a snack machine.
(Y/n) pants heavily and holds her chest as she leans back before turning to Jumin who seemed to look at his own reflection at the passenger mirror.

'He's avoiding eye contact..' You think as he takes off his seatbelt. 'Oh, Jumin..' You sigh with a frown catching his attention as you held his hands that were in the middle of letting go of the wheel.


"Jumin, it's okay to make mistakes. After all, none of us starts as big shots." You smile at him. He raises his brows actually seeming bewildered by your words of encouragement but interested nonetheless.

"But (Y/n) the-"

"No, Jumin. It's okay.." You gently rub his hand with your thumb. "Let's keep practicing until you learn something, okay?" You smile brightly before blinking in shock as Jumin seemed to look away and unlock his car door before looking back at you and smiling sheepishly.

"Love, the backseat is on fire.."

"What the hell!?" You yelled out as you look at the backseat to see a fire starting before climbing out seeing Jaehee approach with two firemen helping take out the flames.

"Are you sure you want to still teach me?" Jumin asked as he had his arms crossed. Looking over to his woman who was seeming to actually rethink the same question he had just asked.

Looking over to Jumin to answer him, you couldn't help but actually hesitate on answering. But the look on Jumin's eyes. Eyes that seemed slightly hopeless had made you change your mind.

"It's just a fire." He let's out a small smile as he pecks you're forehead before walking over to the car to check on the passenger seat.
Jaehee approaches you.

"I've never seen Mr. Han so happy before." She said as she seemed to be taking it easy since she didn't really have to do much right this moment. "Usually, he takes out his credit card or check my now or.." she sighs. "He goes home instantly. But I think he might actually drive well this time. With your help, (Y/n)." She smiles at you in a kind manner. Jaehee was always one to speak her mind. She knew you were changing Jumin's aspects in life for the better. Plus he's been less stressful on her, his secretary. Who wouldn't be happy to be let off easy on extra paperwork?

"Well, thank you for watching over him when I can't-"



That sound of the car driving off so rapidly at an undeniably inhuman speed had echoed within your ears. Jumin stood still in a strange position. One of him obviously he had reached for something through the car window, on the passengers side. Thankfully when the car had drove off by itself he wasn't taken with it. You say 'thankfully' because it had crashed right into a tree not far away.

After a few minutes of him explaining to everyone what had just happened. The car exploded and you couldn't help but stare at him and the explosion.

"How!?" You shake your head as you walked off with Jaehee to Jaehee's car. Where she would be driving you two home.

The drive home was as quiet. That night, you told Jumin not to touch the wheel of a car, unless he's sure he really has to. He agreed since he didn't want to put you in danger because of his curse.

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