Amacon Prompt: Frozen Sun
Sorry huhugot ako. This is #apieceofme*********************************
She looks at you with beaming eyes
Like twinkling stars on a radiant night
You stood entranced, transfixed in her gaze
A reflection of fullfillment seen on her faceBut you failed to see the tears that dried
That guards all the pain she kept inside
She sits in the dark, her heart tired and weak
Weeping till her soul can no longer bleedShe laughs with a ring that is full of glee
Resounding of a spirit that is pure and carefree
You stood in awe at the contentment you find
A reflection of happiness and peace of mindBut you failed to hear that empty tone
That turns to sobs when she is all alone
She screams of terror and lives in fright
For the demons play in her dreams at nightShe hugs with so much care and warmth
Like a ray of sunshine to each and everyone
You feel blessed with the gift of grace from above
An embodiment of both compassion and loveBut you failed to feel the longing within
That she is bereft of love and needed to heal
She detests herself and tries in her own little way
Struggling to love herself more every dayYes, I am radiant, carefree and warm
But am empty and broken like the frozen sun