Chapter 3 - Training

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You awake in your room after enjoying the celebration last night. Your room is small but comfortable. There is a bed, closet space, and an area to eat and work. Today your plans are to practice your techniques with other members of Overwatch. After a quick bite you get ready for training.

You change into your suit. Your gear is light, allowing easy swift movement in battle. It's just enough armor to protect you, without being over bearing. Your weapon is a gun which works great at long range and short. It is a very simple but handy weapon. You are a very good aim, but your fighting up close, and footwork could use some improvement, and that it just what you are going to do. You exit your door and head to the training arena.

"Good morning Y/N!" You turn to see McCree and Soldier 76 walking in your direction. "Sleep well?" Soldier 76 asks. "Yes." You reply. "You look like you're hiding something." He adds teasingly. "No sir!" You reply. You couldn't help it. Mercy only sparked your interest in Reaper more when she warned you not to ask about it further. "Alright sure, but if you need anything don't hesitate to ask." Soldier 76 replies. "Thank you... Do either of you mind helping me with my up close fighting? I need to work on my footing and escaping when I'm close to death." McCree and Soldier 76 look at each other waiting for one to answer. "Sure." They say in unison. Why not fight both? More of a challenge may help you learn faster.

You pile your guns away and remove any weapons that could be used to cheat. This is hands only. You stance up near the center of the arena. Little did you know everyone has started to watch. No one ever really practiced without weapons, let alone two against one. You swing at McCree and he blocks the hit with his arm. While facing him, soldier 76 kicks your legs from beneath you and you fall forward. You fling yourself back up and elbow him in the stomach. He breaks for a while to catch the wind you knocked out of him. Now they both start to throw punches. You block each hit with swiftness. McCree builds up a strong punch and throws. You duck and he hits Soldier 76 by mistake. "Ahh dang it McCree!" He shouts, not prepared for the unexpected blow. Everyone surrounding you begins to clap. "Nice fight love!" "Great job" "I've never seen anything like that hahaha!" You hear from the crowd. It was quite amusing.

The laughter spread through the arena and a few surrounding rooms. The door to the arena opens and a dark figure walks in. Reaper approached, probably interested in the comotion. He sees everyone in a circle, McCree looking sympathetic towards Soldier 76 who had a bloody nose and you standing between them smiling. You wave to Reaper and begin to walk towards him. He only stares back with his expressionless mask. "What is all of this?" He asks. "Practice... without weapons." You reply. "Care to join?" He doesn't say anything in return. "Come on, lose the weapons and fight me." You say.

He drops his weapons and stands a little closer. The mood in the room drops significantly. Everyone has stopped laughing and chatting. They stare in your direction with dead silence. Fear builds up inside of you for he seemed very motivated in getting revenge for the battle yesterday. You knew you were in for a fight. He grabs your hands with ease. You bring up your knee and thrust it into his chest. He releases his grip enough for you to wriggle free and swing at his face. He stops your hand with breeze. Everyone is watching with anticipation. You duck and roll between his legs and try to knock him down from behind but as you go to hit him he swings around and knocks you on your back. You hit the floor. As you lay there Reaper towers over you. You can't see his eyes but you can feel them piercing through you. He obviously won. Mumbles broke out between everyone. As you lay there in defeat he holds out his gloved hand to you. An act you never expected from the man. You take it and he swings you up on your feet. "Thank you." You say. "Nice work." You add. "Perhaps you can teach me a few things?" You ask. As expected, he turns away to exit without answering. While his hand touches the doorknob he says, "Perhaps," and exits. What? Did he just agree to tutoring you? Everyone around you stands with the same amount of disbelief, but quickly return to their own activities. You reflect a while on the fight between you and Reaper and decide to head back to your room.

To be Continued...

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