Chapter 7 - Questions

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A few weeks have come and gone. You and Reaper practice more and more and fight together in battles. He has been spending more time with you than before and seems to enjoy having you around, though he never admits to it. Your fighting styles have been growing together, and on the field, you two are unstoppable. When you are not around him, other members of Overwatch tease you as being a couple. You just laugh it off but secretly wish it were true.

You head to the practice arena to join Reaper, which has started becoming an everyday occurrence. You two are always together in training. Really the only time you ever hang out is if you are fighting or practicing. You decide to change that today. After a small practice, you two take a break. You both sit against the wall in the training room. He moves up his mask like the other day, only revealing his mouth to drink some water. "You don't have to wear that mask all the time. I'm sure it can't be too comfortable" you say. Your words disrupt him and he stops drinking. He sits awkwardly in silence. If anyone else were to say that to him, he would probably lash out. "I'm sorry." You say. "Don't worry about it." He says before fitting his mask back on. You both sit in silence for a while.

The desire to ask him out somewhere was burning inside of you. "You know the only time we ever hang out is in battle. Maybe you want to go somewhere sometime? Maybe a movie, dinner, or just walking around somewhere?" You ask suddenly. He turned toward you and just stared. No one has ever invited him anywhere. No one had the desire to know him. He spent most of his time alone when not practicing with you, and it showed that he wasn't sure how to respond. The silence was sending an uncomfortable shock through you. You started to feel sick. Did you offend him? Is he upset? Is he not interested in a friendship?

He could see the anxious worry on your face. "Sure." He says finally. You couldn't help but smile from relief. "Have you seen the city?" He asks. Being fairly new to Overwatch you haven't had a chance to see surrounding areas. "No." You reply. "Let's go there tomorrow. Meet me here at noon." He says, before exiting the training arena. You lean against the wall smiling. The conversation caught the ears of few who came over to nudge you and ask you all about it.

To be Continued...

Change of Heart ( Reaper x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now