Chapter 4 - A Day Off

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A few days of training have come and passed. You have been mostly practicing hand to hand combat and have gotten significantly better. You have convinced others to practice with you so you can learn against different fighting types. You haven't seen Reaper around, in fact you never see him around. He never practices. How is he as good as he is? You really hope he takes you in to share some tips.

You decide after the week of practice to take a break. It will be nice to have a day off. You get dressed and decide to head to the library for a good book to read in your room. It's nice to wear something other than your uniform. You head down the hall toward some stairs. There is a fairly decent library in the HQ. Most of them are over fighting techniques, which you feel you should read, but take an action fantasy book instead. You head back after checking it out. You walk down the hall and near your door when McCree approaches. "Y/N! Not practicing today?" He asks "No I thought I'd take a day off." You reply. "Oh that's a shame, Reaper is in the training room. Just pacing around... probably waiting for you." he whispers the last part with a chuckle. You let out an awkward chuckle in return and blush, quickly entering your room before he sees. That was weird. You open up your book and try to concentrate on reading. Before getting to the end of the first page you realize you've done nothing but think about other stuff. You try to re-read the page but get frustrated instead. Is it true that Reaper was in the training room?! And is it true that he's waiting for you!? The idea was killing you. What if all of it was a joke and you head down there just to see McCree and everyone else laughing at you? But what if you head down there to see Reaper waiting? But then what will everyone think to see you and him heading off somewhere together? All of these thoughts send anxiety and excitement through you. Finally, you stand up, you open your closet, and you change into your gear.

You arrive at the training arena. Nervously, you slowly open the door. In this moment it feels like the door weighs a ton. You peek around to see some others of overwatch practicing, and chatting. You scan the area quickly, not finding Reaper.

You walk into the arena a little further for a better look. Suddenly a black smoke surrounds you, and blocks your sight. You freeze out of fear. "Step one, never let your enemy see you first." Says a rough echoy voice behind you. You suddenly relax when you realize it was just Reaper. You turn to see him in a smoky shape. A hovering discarnate form. Eyes, glowing with a red through his mask. The black surrounding both of you. You became lost in the moment. Your feelings so surreal. When he materialized, you were still in a daze. "Well, are you going to fight or just gawk at me?" He said in a snarky tone. You blush at his remark. "Oh.. I.." You stutter. "Make a move!" He breaks in impatiently. You send a punch straight to his chest. He is stunned for a second but goes to reach at you. You duck and roll to the right. You are determined to not mess up this time. You grab his arms from behind and put your back to his. You attempt to fling him over you and land him on the ground but his strength and build is so much larger than yours. What did you think you'd accomplish? Now you were just embarrassed at your pointless struggle. "Having fun?" He asks sarcastically before slipping out of your grip. You turn around to face him and lunge at him. He goes into his wraith form and just laughs. "You're right, you do need advice on fighting." He says mockingly. "Be quicker and unexpected."

You then rememeber your special talent, or ultimate so they call it. When unleashed you can paralyzed surrounding enemies for 5 seconds. You have never shown it off because you tend to overthink situations. If this isn't unexpected you don't know what is.
The second he materializes you throw your arms out and send a force that rings around you. It entraps him and he is frozen. You count down the seconds and plan accordingly, you only have 5. The force you let out has grabbed everyone's attention and they watch from a distance.

You jump behind him and grab his neck. When he is conscious you make the action of snapping his neck to get the point across that'd he'd be dead, without doing so. "Well played." He said. His statement puts you at a loss for words, so you just smile. You finally notice all of the eyes on you. Everyone was amazed that you could take on Reaper so efficiently, of course they didn't see the struggle from before though. "There is a battle simulation tomorrow, you better be there." He says, before leaving the arena. Did he just hope to see you tomorrow?! The other members standing around didn't think the situation could be more shocking until then. They haven't seen Reaper so active. That was probably the 'kindest' thing he's said to anyone in a while. You head back to your room for rest tomorrow, awaiting the day with excitement.

To be Continued...

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