Chapter 9 - Death's Kiss

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A few days have passed. No one asked about your "date" with Reaper. You mostly got interested stares from other members. Many teasingly smiled as if waiting for you to bring up your time with Reaper. You only smiled back. You haven't seen him much since. Today is a battle simulation though, and you hope maybe you will see him today.

You make your way to the room with the large door before battle. All of your teammates are here. Reaper is not one of them. Where has he been? Today you are teamed with Mercy, McCree, Zarya, Soldier 76, and Widowmaker. The door opens and battle begins. You hang back a little like usual. Everything is chaotic right away. You see a few of your enemies. Ana.. Genji... Pharah.. you still have trouble finding others. Most of your team has either died or is low on health. You run out to the objective to try to do what you can to keep enemies off of your team. And then you see it. Reaper, on the enemy team. He sees you too. It's almost as if time stood still. You both stare.

"Y/N! What are you doing! Help us fight!" Soldier 76 shouts behind you. You stand there blankly, not registering what he said. You've both been on opposite teams before but now it's different. The only ones alive on your team now are just you and Soldier 76. The other team, only Reaper. You still don't move, and 76 falls. You and Reaper both stand on the point. "Well, are you going to fight or just gawk at me?" You hear. You laugh, remembering when you practiced together the first time. A loud single gunshot brought you out of your daze to see Reaper fall. Widowmaker has made a hit. You just stand on the point as your team returns to your position. Mercy comes over and heals your small wounds and pats you on the shoulder. "It's just a battle simulation." She says. "Fight well." You blush.

You finally get yourself together and ready to fight when the enemy Pharah hits near you, killing Mercy quickly and doing a number on you. You run to a side room to find a health pack. Reaper, also low on health, runs in too. You both dart to the healthpack. You make it first. He slumps against the wall and moves his mask up to reveal just his mouth. He is breathing heavily. You walk and stand next to him. The health pack timer is still counting down, you will at least stay with him for that long.

"I don't like being on the opposite team." You say. He turns toward you slightly. "You should get going, before the team notices the both of us are gone." Hesitantly, you do as he says, and begin to make your way towards the doorway. "Wait." He adds, gliding over to you; surrounded in the black mist. You turn around and in an instant he drops his guns and his lips are on yours. His arms now tightly around you. His mask fell all the way off of his face and hit the ground from the impact. You push into him more and wrap your arms around his waist. This is something that you wished would happen for the longest time. You hear the healthpack regenerate but he doesn't move to it. He focuses on you instead, continuing his kiss with the little strength he had left.

Everything seemed as if you two were the only ones left in the world. All noise stopped. No battle. Just the calm between the both of you. Or was it that you both just caught the attention of everyone, and all fighting ceased?

You pull away to see everyone slightly hiding behind walls, or stopped mid battle on the point to watch what was going on. Reaper quickly puts a hand over his face and drops to the ground in a panic to fix his mask back on. Under the pressure, he stands and aims in all directions, surrounded in the black mist, wiping out your entire team and sadly you with them.

The point has locked into overtime for the enemy team. You try to make it back but you're too late. This is your first defeat, and it's mainly your fault.

Everyone heads toward the monitor. Reaper has a feature. You already know what it is before it starts to play. Luckily it cuts off and you only see his death blossom, but everyone knows what was happening. You can't help but chuckle during it. You turn to see him already heading out of the door, and chase after him. He's made his way into the hallway and you stop him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that then." He says. "And then kill you.." he adds. You can't help but smile. "I didn't mind." You say. "I just hope they did not... see.." he trails off. "Your face? You have nothing to hide." You say. "Why do you say that?" He asks worthlessly. "Because..." You struggle to say what you really want to say. "I.." He turns toward you waiting for your answer. "Because, I love you." You say finally. Your face heated up and burned. You were completely red and embarrassed. His silent staring only made it worse. With the mask you can't tell what he's feeling or thinking. The silence drags on and you begin to feel faint. You've never said anything like that to anyone. You've never felt this way for another person before. He still hasn't said a word and the panic just increases. The world darkens just a bit, and you pass out.

"I love you too." We're the last things you heard before the black over took you.

To be Continued....

Change of Heart ( Reaper x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now