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Kai is so handsome. I shouldn't be thinking that with beakhyun and all but beakhyun is a hoe anyway so it's fine. Kai has such a beautiful smile. He doesn't talk much or smile, it's ok though because I do plenty of that :)

"So who's house do you want to work at?" I ask, he looks at the desk. I don't think he has looked at me in the eye once! "Um" he murmurs, "maybe the park?" I nodd, " That sounds good- ahh" I am so frustrated with him, "Look at me!" I protest, he glances at me quickly, "nooo" I shake my head. I reach for his jaw, which looks so sharp it could cut me, and move it upwards so that he is looking at me.

"See, much better." I smile, his eyes are a gorgeous chocolate brown. "So we'll meet at the park beside the sea after school?" He nods "okay." I giggle, "Do you have any idea's for how the hell we can make a boat out of paper?" He giggles into his hand. "We could use glossy paper, it might work better." He talks so softly. I nod, "I'll bring some after school, I read a lot of magazines." Kai laughed at this.


I sit with beakie and our friends. Everyone is talking loudly and happily as usual but I feel left out today, for some reason. It's probably because I feel sorry for Kai, he doesn't have any friends and is always alone. "Beak I'm going to check on Kai." Beak smiles at me as I stand up, geee he has a perfect smile. "You are such a kind oppa!" He says before turning to D.O and talking to him.

I walk over to where Kai is sitting. I never notice him but I assume he usually sits alone. He is sitting undercover reading a book with earphones in. Everyone else is enjoying the sun but he is still sheltering in the shade.

"Hey!" I call, he doesn't notice. I step closer. "Hey!! Kai!!" He doesn't notice again. I kneel down beside him and wave in his face. He jumps and looks surprised, "aha you scared me!" He says putting his hand on his chest and breathing deeply. I smirk, "Sorry, I just thought that maybe-" I don't know what I had thought, " um, w-well, that maybe you'd like to sit with me!"

Kai gave no reaction. His face totally blank. "I don't know..." he said nervously looking at the ground. " I don't want to be annoying to your friends or beakhyun." He looked down sadly.

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