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When Chanyeol finally starts eating after looking at the ocean for ages he looks like he hasn't eating in years. I still can't forget seeing him outside that rundown apartment building. Maybe it was nothing, but what if it was something? I am concerned as I care for Chanyeol and I have got to know him so well today. I just hope that if he needs me he will ask me for help.

I take a mouthful of curry and rice. It tastes amazing! "Woah Chanyeol this is fantastic!" I say shovelling another spoonful into my mouth. He nods in agreement. He is eating quickly but he looks like he is savouring each mouthful. The curry is so creamy and is full of flavour! "Gee Chanyeol, stop eating so fast!" I laugh. He giggles and puts his chopsticks and spoon down. A bit of curry is on his face.

"Um" I point hesitantly to the corner of his mouth where the curry is located. His eyes widen, "what, what is it?!?" He sounds worried. "There's a bit of curry just there." I say pointing to the corner of my mouth. "Oh no!" He says, fake worried. "And what are you going to do about it?" He asks cheekily. I shrug. "Nothing I guess." He sighs loudly, "I thought we were friends!" He exclaims.

I laugh, "ok then." I grab a napkin and reach over the table to wipe his face. Just as I'm about to wipe the food from his face he turns the other way, I make a cross face. "Come on!" I say and quickly wipe his face. "Gotcha!" I say confidently before sitting back in my chair. Chanyeol looks like a sad puppy. "Awe I'm sorry." I say laughing. "No thank you." He said grinning.

A few hours later

Chanyeol goes home and I'm left alone. Suho will be back soon but she isn't much of a talker, except about her ex Kris. I lay on my bed. I had a great time with Chanyeol today, we even had time to work on our boat ⛵️. I regret not making friends sooner, they are so much fun, but Chanyeol might be more than just a friend.

Two days later
The morning

The past few days have been really good. I've made good friends with Luhan and D.O and even better friends with Chanyeol. I can't wait to see him again. Everything about him is so happy and full of life! I still can't forget the run down apartment building he was walking out of, I know if he needed help he would ask though.

Suho interrupts my breakfast, which I don't mind. "You have a friend here to see you." She says, instantly I think of Chanyeol. My heart speeds up. "Great! Send them in." I say excitedly. A few moments later D.O enters the room. My heart sinks, D.O is great but I was hoping for Chanyeol :(

"Hey." He says, "Good morning." I reply with a smile. "I was wondering if you'd like to walk to school with me, I live nearby so I thought I'd ask." He looks nervous. "Yeah of course." I say finishing my breakfast. "I'll just grab my things I'll be just a minute." I say and hurry upstairs.

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