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Did he seriously just ask me to sit with him. Of course I can't but that was so nice of him, we aren't even friends. " you could never be annoying!" He pressed, holding my shoulder, "everyone will love you, they just don't know you yet!" I have chanyeol a confused look, why would anyone want me sitting at their table?

"Thanks for the offer but I really don't want to intrude." Chanyeol rolled his eyes, "why are you such a happiness hater?" He laughed, " you're coming." He pulled me to my feet, he was so tall, especially up close. "Fine, let me just grab my things." I gathered my books up and shoved them into my bag. I was so nervous. Chanyeol's friends would never like me.

Chanyeol lead me to him table where all his friends were sitting. "Hey!" He shouted, "I brought a friend!" "Hey!" Cheered everyone waving a smiling happily, " come sit next to me." Said D.O so I walked over to him and sat down. He smiled at me, he had a sweet heart shaped smile and friendly eyes.

"Don't be fooled!" Chanyeol called to me, " he isn't as cute as he looks! He is Stan irl!" I giggled covering my face, I hope no one noticed. D.O stood up and started punishing chanyeol by punching him repeatedly. "Ahh, beak! help!" Cried chanyeol who was laughing, "Never!" Shouted beakhyun who was laughing uncontrollably.

The whole situation was quite absurd. This was something completely different for me but I laughed along anyway. "Hey." Said a girl from across the table, I didn't quite recognise her, "hi" I said shyly, "I'm Luhan." A boy?!? I would never have known. I was so embarrassed. "I am Kai." I said softly.

I could feel myself blushing from thinking Luhan was a girl. "I'm going to go to the bathroom." "Okay," said Luhan" we'll be right here!" He smiled cheerfully, I smiled quickly before rushing to the bathrooms.

Thank goodness I was on my own again. I breathed carefully looking at myself in the mirror. The bathroom was empty so I had it all to myself. I took a deep breath, I tried to reassure myself that meeting people is a good idea.

Chanyeol burst into the bathroom. "Are you ok?! What happened?!?" He sounded genuinely really worried. I looked at him, confused. Then I laughed. "It's nothing, I just needed a moment on my own. I'm good now." I smiled, "won't beakhyun be jealous I'm getting more attention than him?" I teased. Chanyeol looked at the ground a laughed, "he is such an attention seeker ahaha"

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