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I wake up, excited to see chanyeol again. He was so nice to me yesterday I hope nothing has changed:) I walk down the grand staircase to the dining hall. It is basically a big grand wood table in an equally large and grand room with lots of windows.

I took a seat at the head of the table facing the window, my favourite seat. I could see the beach and the bright blue sky from it. Suho, my housemaid, brought me a fruit salad and oatmeal. I reluctantly eat while I read my book.

I rush out of the house and walk to school. I would usually catch a ride with my driver but I felt like getting some air. I have to walk past a dodgy neighbourhood on my way to school. Then I see someone, and stop in my tracks, o god. It's Chanyeol.

I stand watching as he leaves an old apartment building heading to school. My eyes are wide. If he sees me i don't know what I'll do. I cross the road and continue slowly to school. When I get there Chanyeol and his friends are waiting for me. They smile and wave for me to go over to them, I smile weakly.

"Heyyyy!" Says Chanyeol patting my shoulder. I can't look at him. D.O comes up to me, "hey, I wanted to show you this book." Thank goodness, D.O pulls out a European war history book. "Because you like history." He laughs. "I do?" I ask, he nods. "Well I like reading about war and violence so I thought it might interest you."

I don't know why he would think that but I smile nervously and nod anyway. He opens the book and shows me some book marked pages. I look up when he finishes, I'm looking for beakhyun. He isn't anywhere to be seen. Everyone else is, everyone from yesterday.

I walk up to Chanyeol, "hey, where's beakhyun?" I ask nervous still from seeing him this morning. He never mentioned that his family was struggling with money. He looks awkward, "what is it?" I ask, putting my hand on his arm.

"Ah, we broke up..." he says slowly. My eyes widen. "Oh." I look at my feet and remove my hand from his arm. "I'm sorry." I whisper, "are you alright?" I ask, concerned. He nods slightly. "He broke up with me." I'm so confused, yesterday everything was perfect between then but now, this?!?

The bell rings and everyone hurries to their class rooms. But Chanyeol and I stand still. "Chanyeol-" I say, but he cuts me off, "please, call me chan." I stutter, "chan. Ah. Do you want a hug?" He looks so sad, a tear runs down his flawless cheek. My heart goes out to him, he must have really loved Beakhyun, I've only known him a day but I feel so close to him.

He pulls me into a hug, he is strong and warm all around my body. He is only slightly bigger than me but I feel like a teddy bear being hugged by a toddler. I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. Then after a moment I pull away. He smiles sadly, "thank you Kai, you are a really good friend."

I am pleased to have him say that, "Would you like to skip class today?" I ask, he doesn't look up to concentrating for a whole 7 hours. He nods, he laughs "I'm glad someone understands." I smile and link our arms together. There is still so many things a don't know about chan, I'm interested.

Hope you are liking the story!! It's my first one so please anticipate :))

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