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The park

We sit together on a park bench looking out at the ocean. Kai's arm still linked through mine. We sit in silence for a few minutes, for the first time in my life I don't know what to say. The breeze becomes cold. I move closer to Kai to keep warm.

He turns to face me, his handsome face is so close. "Are you cold?" He says softly. I look into those dark brown eyes of his. I nod nervously. "We can go to my house it's near by." I smile and wipe my face, my tears have dried.

As we walk he asks, "do you want to talk about it?" We walk past my apartment block. I try not to look at the broken windows and chipped paint. "I just- I don't know. I'm fine. It's probably for the best." I smile at him. He nods, "Alright." He smiles lightly.

He unlinks our arms to get out his house key. We are standing in front of an old French style mansion. At least 3 floors high. Huge windows, all perfectly maintained. My mouth drops open. "Is this-" "yep!" He says cheerfully.

"Woah." I say as we walk up the clean stone pathway, neat hedges on beside us. I can't believe a house like this exists in the middle of the city. He unlocks the door and shows me inside. I step onto the grand marble entry way, a large swirling staircase in the centre of the room.

"Suho, my housemaid is having her break for the next few hours so we won't be caught." He smirks. I feel myself blushing. The house is warm and inviting. "Come," he grabs my arm and drags me up the stairs. We hurry through velvet carpeted halls, passing multiple grande rooms as we do so.

"Welcome." He says swinging open a door at the end of the hall. His bedroom? It's simple compared to the lest of the house. The walls are painted cream, there is a double bed with gray sheets facing the ocean.

The window at the end of the bed is large and you can see so much ocean. There is a simple desk and book self on one side of the room and various artworks on the other. "Nice house." I say laughing. He smiles and sits on the bed. I sit next to him. "Thanks, didn't have to." I say gratefully. "You're my first friend, of course I had to take care of you when your sad." He smiles. "I'm feeling better now." I say, Kai has really been so good to me.

Happy Kai Day Everyone!!! I made high tea exo themed for my friends and I today, I really went over board hehe.

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