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Did I really just open up to Kai like that? I feel like a weight has been lifted off me. I was mad about him and beak but right now I just need his support. "There are so many things I want to say, but I one thing I'm going to do is make you move in with me." Says Kai, sniffling. I didn't expect that!

"No kai I'm quite alright-" "no, you aren't." I'm so overjoyed! I quickly reach for Kai's face and kiss him gently. Thank god he kisses back, a few moments later there is a gasp from down the hall. I hide my face on the opposite side by resting my chin on Kai's shoulder. Kai turns his head.

"Kai?!" Shouts D.O. "Cheating? Well this is just perfect! And with who!" He walks toward us. I didn't realise they were dating. I turn my head to face him. "Oh. My." He says flatly. "We aren't dating." Says Kai apologetically. D.O huffs, "well not anymore!" "I'm sorry for the miss understanding." Says Kai as D.O turns away.

"I'm sorry for walking in on. On. This!" He then proceeds to storm away. Kai sighs. "I told you so." I say smirking. "Seriously, he looks really hurt." Says Kai. "Why didn't you tell me you were homeless! I would have helped you!" Kai seems mad now. I look away. "Because I didn't want you to think I always just coming running to you when something bad happens in my life!"

"That's my job!" Says Kai, "as your friend-" "I'll stop you right there, friends don't make out voluntarily." He rolls his eyes. "We are now dating!" I say smiling like an idiot. "What if I don't want to date you." Says Kai seriously, "you have no say in the matter." I say, we both laugh.

The end!!

Ah!! The end!! I hope you liked the story, honestly this is a great place to leave it because the sorry could go on forever! I will start a new story soon but otherwise I hope this one was enjoyable at some point at least:))

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