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I smile so widely, chanyeol's smile lights up the room. I feel all warm inside, I'm glad that me walking with him made him feel better. "Do you want to go back to class!" I ask, I don't really want to, "or we can stay here." I wink at him. And either I'm blind or he blushes.

"I would prefer here, it's so nice." He says admiring the room. I'm shorter the Chan so I rest my head on his shoulder. Chanyeol smoothly wraps his hand around mine and holds it. His hand is so soft and warm. My heart is skipping beats.

I look up at him, our faces so close I can feel his quiet breath on my skin. With his free hand he traces my jaw. My skin is feels like fireworks are going off on it. But this isn't right, we don't even know each other. I pull away and Chanyeol looks sad. I remove my hand from his. His eyes look sad.

"I'm sorry." He says looking at the ground. I breath deeply, "there is something on my mind." I say nervously, I can't look at him. "Yes." He says, intrigued. "Well, I was wondering if I could meet your family?" I say, anticipating his response. "Of course!" He says excitedly.

He spends the next few hours talking about his family. He starts with his mum, how good her cooking is and how comforting she is. Then about his dad, how hard he works and how funny he is. Next he talks about his siblings, a sister. I enjoy listening to him recount stories and jokes about his family.

Soon it's Lunch. My stomach growls( i love that song!) and we head downstairs for lunch. "Suho would usually cook but she's on break still so you're stuck with me." I laugh. "I'm not much of a cook. Oh, can you cook?" I ask. Chanyeol nods, "it's a bit of a hobby for me." "Well then you can cook us lunch!" I say and sit down on a chair opposite the kitchen workbench. Chanyeol smiles widely, he looks so happy.

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