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I'm walking to the park beside the sea, alone. The air feels so nice and everything is peaceful. I don't see many people out walking but there are a few riding bikes and skateboards. It's such a nice sunny day and my skin is warming up.

Kai said he would meet me there as he needed to go home first, I don't mind of course. It's only been a few hours and he has become a lot less shy. I smile to myself, I'm so pleased :))

I reach the park and sit on a park bench and enjoy the beach view as I wait. There are surfers in the water although there aren't any waves. "Chanyeol!" Says a voice behind me. I turn around, a huge smile plastered on my face. "Kai!" "I'm sorry, were you waiting long?" He says sitting beside me and spreading his books out. "No, it was nice to have some quality quiet time." I smiled, "I can see why you like it" I joked

He laughed. "Do you have any ideas?" He asked. I seriously hadn't given it another thought. I shook my head, "Nope" he giggled, "I have some." And with that he opened a blue folder. The folder was filled with sketches and research sheet.

My eyes grew wide. "Woah." I say, stunned. "We only got this assignment today!" I exclaimed, how did he have time to do all this work? "Yeah, I had a few boring classes today." He smiled. His smile was so amazing. It was cute not sexy, it was a perfect mix of the two.

At home

"Hii hon! How was your day?" It's my mum. "Yeah great!" I say smiling broadly. "Do you know Kim jongin?" I asked, Kai is his simplified name. "Yes, his family is very successful. Maybe you could marry him and help the family out!" She says sourly.

Our family is in financial trouble. We can only afford two meals a day to be able to stay in our apartment. I look down sadly. Mum doesn't like beak, she says he is too carefree and privileged. And that's what I like about him. The way he lives makes me aspire to be like him.

He doesn't have any worries. And if he does he just fixes it. I wish I was in his position. " so why did you ask about jongin?" Mum asks, I look up at her. "We became partners in science today and I think we've become good friends." Mum smiles and begins cooking, bread and eggs. "Good." She says. And then I am dismissed.

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