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Two days later

I'm being to get really concerned about Chanyeol. His hair is no longer brushed and neat, it is full of nots and looks gross to say the least. His skin is also a bit dirty and he has several bruises on his arms and legs. Things have got gradually worse so today, I'm going to ask him about it.

I wait in science class, my head in a book. I block everyone out until someone sits beside me. I expect it to be Chanyeol So I turn to face him with a serious look. But it's not Chanyeol or any or my other friends, it's beakhyun. I try to hide my surprise. "Hey-y beakhyun." I say, I attempt to smile but it doesn't work.

He smiles widely, "good morning!" He says before turning to face the front of the class. Our teacher, Mr Chen, has just arrived. beakhyun sits up so tall with perfect posture. He notes done everything that mr Chen says. Gee I didn't expect this much from him.

Chanyeol is sitting with D.O in the back corner, so I can't miss him when he tries to leave. I learn a lot in the class and soon everyone has leaped out of their seats to go to their next class. I stay semi still. D.O walks past me, saying hello and then Chanyeol, but he doesn't say hello. "CHANYEOL!" I grab his arm. He looks down at my hand like it's some kind of gross insect or something.

He tries to get away from my grip. Why doesn't he want to talk to me? "I need to ask you something!" I protest, standing up. "Well maybe you should have thought about that when you passed me over for my EX!" He sounds so mad. I give a confused look, when did this happen? "I'm sorry you misunderstood but-" "Nope! There is too much crap going on right now. If you don't like me and you were just using me, fine. Just leave me alone."

Again he tries to leave, we are the only ones left in the classroom. "Of course I like you, beakhyun just sat beside me this class, I still want to be your friend! There is just something I really need to ask you." I say desperately. He rolls his eyes. "I don't know how to ask this but... is your family is a bad financial situation at the moment?" I can't believe I just said that.

Chanyeol's eyes finally meet mine. I can't tell if he is angry or what. He takes a deeps breath. I swallow. He bites his lip. Before sighing and leading me along with my bags in the deserted hallway. He presses me up against the wall making me feeling a lot shorter than I actually am. "I'll tell you everything if you must know." He says glancing up and down the hall.

"My father made a lot of money and we could afford a nice home nice things, you know." I nod, this is going to be a sad story. "My Ma worked a small shop just because she enjoyed it, not for the money. My father then got cancer. We had to use most of our money for treatments and that, and with only Ma working we were struggling." He looks so so sad. "It's ok-" I began but Chanyeol continued talking.

"My sister and I took up jobs but still we didn't have enough for rent food and father's medicine. We had to move to a small place, we could survive alright for a bit, it was a lot different from our previous house. But recently things went really down hill. Ma couldn't afford to feed us every meal so we got one meal a day."

I could feel tears in my eyes, I could see tear in his. "Do you remember the day we skipped school and when to your place?" I nod, the day chanbeak broke up. "Well." He swallows hard. "My Ma said s-he, a, couldn't afford to have me anymore." I wipe a tear from his eye. "She gave me a blanket, school stuff and then sent me away. And since then I have loved on the streets." He looks ashamed.

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