GZombieTale- Escape

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Anyway, Hope you enjoy this :3

A boom was heard; Ganz eyes shot open, "No way - it can't be -" Ganz stated before Frisk added, "who?" Ganz face only showed pure anger, in one movement he stood up and grabbed his axe.

"nobody...hey kiddo, we are gonna find a new place to stay, k?" In response Frisk nodded and started to get off the rock they were lying on, stopping, Frisk looked up in the direction of the entrance of the cave. Ganz opened his mouth to say something but was silenced by Frisk putting a finger to their mouth, they then pointed to the entrance of the cave. Silence.
Ganz held his axe closer to him and stayed as still as possible so he could try to hear what Frisk was hearing, a squirrel jumped down from a tree and ran passed the entrance. "heh kiddo ya see its o-" Footsteps interrupted Ganz, causing him to run to Frisk and hold them close. Running, Ganz headed to the entrance after hearing the groans and screeches of the undead. Ganz didn't even look back, already knowing what awaits his vision. Louder and faster, the footsteps of the zombies increased. Ganz looked down at Frisk, they were slowing him down, at this rate - it won't be long till - NO. They will get through this, to live, to survive, to be happy, to be - Frisk yelped, a zombie had clawed at their leg.

Ganz let out a growl and swung his axe backwards to hit the zombie directly in the face, making it gargle up its own, dull and slimy blood. Frisk started limping, Ganz picked them up and put them on their shoulders.

"KID, WHATEVER HAPPENS DON'T. LET. GO." Ganz growled out. Frisk had a death grip on Ganz, hiding their face behind his head, not
Zombies appeared left and right, surrounding Ganz like a pack surrounding its prey, normally the would just start attacking but they seemed a little to smart. Suddenly one shot towards Ganz followed by ten more, all heading for his head. One swing and three of them flew into the air, landing on their head to make a crippling crack sound. One stuck to his axe, clawing to remove the piece of metal formed in its face. A smile appeared on Ganz face as he started to spin in a circle knocking down most of them, all screeching from the sudden attack until another hit silenced them. For good. Meanwhile the one attached to is axe got louder for the axe dug deeper into its head, soon all of them where down except for the one still attached to Ganz's axe. Ganz swung the axe down to the ground, pinning the creature below.

Stepping on its body, the zombie let out a gagged shout, as its insides started spilling out from its mouth. Ganz seemed to enjoy it's torture, going slowly to see the creature squirm from the pain that it could feel. Eventually it stopped moving, huffing, Ganz took his axe out of the mashed up face that was once the zombie. And decided to head north, no real destination in mind.

They appeared at an abandoned town, Frisk had fallen asleep on Ganz's back, still holding a death grip. Now Ganz was looking for one thing and one thing only. Food. All the fights he had gotten into were draining his energy, food would help bring it back up in case of a another 'round'. Shop to shop, no food to be seen, Ganz was beginning to lose hope in finding some, but nonetheless he would a least try. As he was walking something appeared at the corner of his eye, he stopped knowing that their were more appearing in his sight. Ganz knelt down, placing Frisk down so he could have a better range to attack, Frisk was already awake from when Ganz stopped and the noises filling the air.

They all came out at once, some crawling, others walking, many running. Axe in hand Ganz was filled with determination. Like the others the fight was an axe to the head, blood, yelling, clamoring, and more, but unlike the other fights there were a bunch more all attacking at once. Ganz knew they weren't going to survive long at this pace, he swung his axe forward to make an exit way, running, he made his way through the the crowd. Like always the zombies didn't give up as they chased Ganz through the town. The ones that caught up to Ganz would get an axe to the head, causing them to gag up all their insides, making Frisk nauseate from the sickening sounds.

Frisk's grip began to loosen as nausea hit them like a train, Ganz to busy in getting away didn't notice Frisk slowly slipping away. A zombie caught up and ranked Frisk, causing them to pry away from Ganz's grasp. "SHIT, FRISK!!!" Ganz shriek out.

Being blind and getting pulled away from only thing keeping them safe, left Frisk in a bliss of emotions causing their screams to be silent. Tears plummeted out of Frisk's useless eyes as zombies started to attack.

Gunshots. Frisk felt nothing, no hands prying at their skin, no sounds of Undead's eating their skin, just. Gunshots.

Hands gripped onto Frisk's shoulders, screaming, more tears fell down Frisk's face as they awaited their death. "FRISK!!! FRISK, ITS OK ITS ME GANZ, I'M HERE DON'T WORRY" Ganz shouted while holding onto Frisk as they were shaking in fear.

"Ganz?..." A voice rang behind Ganz, he froze trying to recall what voice he was hearing. Eventually Frisk had stopped shaking, forgetting the voice behind him Ganz focused on seeing if Frisk was alright. "Kid....are you ok?..." Frisk gave a nod and looked behind Ganz. Finally Ganz stood up with Frisk in hands, not wanting to turn around he just stayed in place. "yes?...." he finally answered to the voice.

With no response Ganz turned around expecting to see Papyrus, no - it couldn't be. Ganz eyes widened as he saw the figure in front of him, Frisk felt Ganz start to shake.

"Ganz?...." Frisk asked, "Heya Ganz, been a while ain't it?" Ganz just stared into the eyes of Mel - his twin brother. Frisk was now hearing two of the same voices, from different directions. Ganz let out a dark chuckle, "thought I wouldn't live to see the day, I thought you died the moment it hit." Ganz stated.

Ganz must have felt Frisk's discomfort, "Kiddo, I know this must be hard to believe but that other voice you're hearin' is my twin bro....Mel" Ganz informed, Mel snickered, "you seem like you don't want me here...Hell I've been out here for lord knows how long and this is the greeting i get" Ganz frowned then turned around, walking away, Mel smirked as Ganz called, "You comin' or you just gonna stay there?"

Well, Ganz knew one thing and one thing for sure. This adventure just got more interesting.
It had been days, months, Ganz didn't really know. Thanks to Mel they now had food, after resting they head out, again and again and again. No real destinations in mind, just finding ways to survive. Most of the attacks were manageable, but as they walked around town Frisk began to act strange, turning in random directions because they hear something. Frisk began to pull on Ganz's jacket, "what's up kiddo?" Ganz asked as Frisk started to hyperventilate. Mel had stopped, gun in hand, "hey...something ain't right....." Mel stated as he brought his gun up to check the perimeter.

Frisk pointed to a tree suddenly, Ganz stood up and walked, frisk in hands, towards the tree. A bang was heard behind the tree, Undyne fell beside it, wheezing. "UNDYNE?!?!" Ganz shouted as he saw how torn up Undyne was, she looked up to be met with the eyes of Ganz, "g-g-gan..." Undyne huffed out as she started coughing. Ganz started to approach her, "STOP" Mel roared out, before Ganz could protest Mel lifted his gun and aimed it at Undyne. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING SHE IS-" Ganz yelled until Mel interrupted him, "SHE IS INFECTED SHE NEEDS TO DIE" Ganz looked at Undyne and she started to claw at the ground from the eminence pain she was in.
Mel's hand moved to the trigger until Ganz stood in the way, "why are you defending her? She's better off dead......" When Ganz didnt answer Mel's eyes went into pure anger, "WHY WON'T YOU KILL HER?!?!? ANSWER ME, STOP BEING WEAK, IT'S WHAT GETS YOU KILLED OUT HERE!!!" Mel roared out as he moved forward and pushed Ganz away and pointed towards Undyne. She looked up, skin molting away, groaning from the transformation.

"She's better off DEAD." Bang.

HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE THIS TOOK ME ALL DAY I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING LIKE HOLY MACARONI. I hope you enjoyed, because I have no regrets. You guys wanted more so here ya go :3

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