1 // Octavia's Tent

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Clarke scanned Octavia Blake's tent, trying to catch a glimpse of her watch that she had left in there the day before while she was planning the groups trek to Mount Weather.

Her watch belonged to her father, and Clarke never really took it off, expect this one time when she was forced to take it off to clean off the blood that seeped from her fresh blade scar along her arm.

"Snooping around in my sisters tent are we?" A voice grumbled from the entrance of the tent.

"No, I left my watch here," Clarke screwed up her face in annoyance. Here, Bellamy was trying to make her sound like a sneaky thief.

"I see," he hesitated.

Clarke despised Bellamy. He was rude and arrogant, and visions of the time she walked in one him having a threesome didn't help her like him any better.

He was a player and she knew it. But there was something there, about his soft brown eyes, and freckle-dotted face that paired up perfectly with his dark curly hair that made him look irresistible.

Bellamy was a very closed up person, and pushed Clarke away when she tried to comfort him. If only he would let her in. In on his sorrows and pain, and Clarke would be willing to share the pain of whatever hurts him.

Sometimes she reckoned she didn't really hate Bellamy, but it was only the way he chose to act around her. The wolves were howling and it was a chilly night. She better get out of Octavia's tent and get to her own, as she will be returning soon and probably would appreciate having her room clear for sleeping.

Lost in her thought, Clarke completely forgot about Bellamy, still standing there watching her. He eyed her, almost making her shiver, but he was standing five feet away from her.

"What do you want me to do? I'm not leaving without my watch," said Clarke, glaring at him.

"I'll...help you look for it," he replied.

Clarke and Bellamy got to work, lifting blankets and moving belongings around, looking for Clarke's watch. They both bent down to check under the small wooden crate as their hands brushed against one another, sending an electric shiver up Clarke's spine.

Bellamy gently caressed her hand and moved a strand of clammy hair away from her delicate face. Clarke closed her eyes at his touch and inched just a little bit closer.

The tent was blocking off the cold night air that made everyone skin crawl with small invisible insects, and Clarke last desire would be to leave the tent. Bellamy's warmth was radiating off him as she was still crouching ever so close to him.

"You know what?" Clarke whispered into Bellamy's ear.


"Fuck the watch." Clarke ran her fingers on Bellamy's torso and grabbed his collar playfully. Before Bellamy could catch up to what was going on, she was sitting on top of him, slowly but in a seductive way, taking her top off.

Bellamy grinned his iconic sexy grin and sat up, placing wet kisses up her belly. He ran his fingernail gently up her side and unhooked her black silk bra. He dug his face in her breasts and Clarke let out a slight moan. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"What are we doing Clarke, this is Octavia's tent," Bellamy mumbled into Clarke's ear, but continued placing soft kisses along her collarbone.

His hands made their curious way down her back, and he cupped her butt cheeks while she slid off her panties.

"I don't know, but I want you-" was all she could manage before Bellamy grabbed her by the small of her waist and dumped her on the mattress on the ground. Clarke's hand reached for the covers and covered them both up as Bellamy unzipped his pants.

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