2 // Sorry Finn, She's Mine

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Clarke nibbled furiously at her whole meal crackers while Bellamy absorbed her beauty in from a safe distance. A distance where no one would suspect a thing. A distance where no one would observe the fact that Bellamy was so in love with the blonde being with bright sky-blue eyes.

The darkness swallowed her in its grasp as Finn buzzed around her like a bee circling it's nest. Which made Bellamy furious. But he didn't want to, somehow it was forced upon him unintentionally.

"Does that guy ever give Clarke some distance?" Bellamy couldn't help but think to himself. The clouds above him whisked the stars and moon behind themselves as if to hide them from a threat.

Bellamy so dearly wanted to do the same to Clarke. Whisk her away as if she were the stars and moon that basked everyone in light and beauty, and he were the clouds, hiding her from Finn.

"Bell, have a drink," said Octavia, who had been observing him for some time, trying to pick up on her brother and his lost thoughts. She handed him a bottle of whiskey.

Bellamy shook his head. "Not in the mood tonight."

Octavia knew that this wasn't like Bellamy at all, and she felt obliged to fix it but was unsure of how and why she needed to so desperately. Following his eyes, she rested them upon Clarke.

Bellamy could sense his sister catching up to him, as if in a running race, but only to run beside him and catch a glimpse of the finish line shouting words of either encouragement or to give up.

He hoped for the former but didn't desire to share his problems with Octavia. She had been through enough, and he couldn't bear put her through his own problems.

Just as he dreaded, Octavia popped the question.

"Share your problems with me?" she insisted.

"You know I won't, so why bother?"

"Worth a shot," she shrugged.

"I don't want to overload you with my own problems. I can handle them myself, and besides, they are petty," Bellamy sighed.

"So it's okay for you to look out for me, but it's not okay for me to try and look out for you?" Octavia said, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"I didn't say that-"

"Please Bellamy," she begged. "I hate it when you shut me out. We used to tell each other everything!"

Bellamy stroked his sisters hand. "It's complicated."

The peace and serenity of the forest whisked around them, keeping guard of intruders that would easily be heard in the dead silence of the night.

Chatter and laughter filled the air, destroying the quietness. People of the camp drinking and just letting loose for the night. Bellamy couldn't find it in his heart to join them.

Maybe he was too disheartened from seeing Clarke with Finn, that he didn't mean to pry when he saw Finn leading her into the forest.

Watching her figure disappearing into the black, he decided to follow her from a distance, giving her privacy but at the same time keeping a look out for anything that might cause her harm or put her in danger.

He knew he had to tell Clarke how he felt about her, but also knew he would never have the balls too. He was a coward.

"Where are you going?" Octavia asked as he stood up to leave.

"Just a walk," he answered, a little too quickly he realized.

"Don't wander too far. Isn't that what you say to me?" She laughed and ushered for him to go.

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