8 // The Unroyal Princess (AU)

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Clarke tapped the piano keys furiously. She wasn't going to marry him, and no one was going to make her marry him.

Several thoughts ran through Clarke's mind like a movie reel. She could perhaps run away? She desperately held back the urge to run to her secret hideout, a tower made long ago, merely ruins in present day, where she used to play as a child. It was once part of an old castle, which was destroyed. Now remained just one tower, still standing solid.

She wasn't ready for marriage and her mother Abigail was determined to go ahead with the deal. Her and Aurora Blake had been best friends at some absurd boarding school for prepping 'courteous and well mannered ladies'.

A fit had been thrown when her mother sent her there, but she was strict and didn't take any of her words into consideration. Clarke rolled her head and groaned, crashing onto her bed in a messed up heap and throwing her pillow across the room, as it crashed into a candle that was thankfully not lit.

The maid, Lexa, ran into the room with panic spread across her face. "M'lady!"

"I'm fine Lexa," Clarke groaned, instantly regretting it. Lexa was her personal maid, and she was just trying to help and not get fired, she was really trying. Clarke knew they didn't really care for her genuinely, but Lexa was the first who did. "I'm sorry..."

"I know M'lady, you are upset about the arranged marriage. I would be too if I was in you position," Lexa nodded, picking up the candlestick.

"She's making me be someone I don't want to. Who cares if they are rich and have land and a title? I have never even met the guy, but I've met his sister. She was, pardon my language, a bitch. She was horrible to me."

"Is that the one who came on playdates with you when you were younger? One of the kitchen maids mentioned it," Lexa questioned.

"That's the one. Mother insisted I be-friended her, so this little scheme of hers has been playing since back then!"

"Maybe the guy is nice?" Lexa sat next to Clarke on the bed.

"Their attitude runs in the family Lexa. Apparently he is rude and arrogant, just like his sister and mother," Clarke sighed. "I just don't want to marry him. I've made up my mind. That, and because..." She trailed off.

"It's the kitchen boy isn't it. You're in love with him." Lexa concluded. Clarke was surprised she knew about how she was acquainted with him. She found herself trying to catch his attention all the time.

"Love is a strong word. I'm...not sure," Clarke hesitated. She remembered when he leaned in close to her face and told her she looked beautiful. How he held her hand and they ran through the secret passages in the massive mansion. Then she recalled how he held one of the maids, Raven, close to him as well. Despite the red flags, she felt certain there was something there.

"I'll tell you what, my mother used to tell me that when you fall in love, the only sound you'll hear will be your lovers and your own heart," Lexa told her. "Everything other sound will be blurred out." She rested her hand on Clarke's. "You'll figure this out, and I'm here for you if you need me."

"Thank you Lexa."

The door burst open and loud footsteps approached her. Another maid, and she looked like she had run all the way there.

Raven cleared her throat. "Lady Abigail requests for Lady Clarke to get dressed immediately, as we have important guests. Lexa, you are required to dress Lady Clarke up in a tidy and pretty manner, Lady Abigail wishes for her to dress in the red lace dress and report to the main hall in an hour," she instructed.

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