5 // Fix My Scars (AU)

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Clarke Griffin Collins tenderly touched her bruised face, cringing at the pain and delicate swollen sore, oozing pus and blood. Her childhood playmate and best friend, Bellamy Blake, poured some solution onto a cotton swab and carefully dabbed her injuries.

"I will not spare him," he grumbled through gritted teeth. Clarke could tell he was pissed. And he hadn't looked this annoyed since his little sister Octavia, was bullied by some school boys.

Clarke became nervous when she saw him like this, because she knew he was capable of a lot, and she didn't want to see him hurting others or most importantly, getting hurt himself.

She had never thought that marrying Finn would lead to such catastrophic events. Clarke had always felt like Finn was the one for her. That he would take care of her and cherish her company and love her forever. He had said it himself during his vows, on their wedding day.

And never, ever, hurt her. But he did. Every day when he came back drunk from the pub.

She had tried so hard to fix her relationship with him, they had had marriage counseling several times, and each time she threatened to leave, he would promise to change. And Clarke loved him very much, that she was willing to take that risk.

Apparently that risk had been too much this time, and it left her broken. She didn't know what to do.

So she leaned on the shoulder she trusted the most, her best friend Bellamy. They had always been inseparable. He had a lovely sister who had become her friend as well, her name was Octavia.

Octavia walked in with a tray of mugs.

"Oh Octavia, you didn't have to..." Clarke sniffed, as she tried to be appreciative of all the support she was receiving.

"Please, I insist Clarke. This is a hard time, and Bellamy and I are with you, every step of the way," she said.

Bellamy caressed Clarke's hair when she broke down into his protective arms. "It will be okay," he whispered in a way that made Clarke almost believe him.


Octavia handed Clarke the mug of tea, which she took gratefully with shaking hands. She watched the tea inside shake vigorously at her uncontrollable shivering. She wasn't cold at all, it was just the shock of it all.


Clarke glanced up at the clock on the wall, as it ticked ever so slowly at its own pace. As if beckoning Clarke to come closer if it dares, and read the even smaller minute lines. "Come closer Clarke," it seemed to say hauntingly.

She shook the thought off and decided she was going insane. Finn had been gone all evening and it was three in the morning. And Clarke being herself, was worried out of her mind about the whereabouts of her husband.

"I can go where ever I want, and I do not have to tell you." He had said in the few moments before he left that afternoon.

Clarke and Finn had had a big argument, because they were constantly disagreeing on everything.

Then the door clicked open, and in walked a tired, very drunk Finn Collins. She was sure it was time for him to unwillingly add a few more scars to her scar collection that Clarke sported all over her body.

Clarke's eyes welled up with tears when Finn gave her a dirty look, then walked towards her with a face that made him look like he was prepared to just wrap his fingers around her throat and choke her to death.

She'd be gone, in a blink of an eye, just like that. Dead. Out of this world and into the next, wherever that might be.

If she was honest with herself, she was prepared for that to happen. It would pull her out of the misery of being married to Finn. Divorce was there, it always had been, and maybe she should stop trying to fix her relationship.

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