4 // Forest Secret

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Bellamy woke up to find Clarke snuggled warmly next to him. Her heat radiated through his body and gave him a light feathery feeling. She was sleeping soundly, her face buried in his sculpted chest.

Clarke was sleeping so soundly, her body rising and falling in a steady rhythm. Bellamy didn't dare stir in the fear of waking up the sleeping beauty beside him. What did he do to deserve such a breathtakingly beautiful Princess like Clarke?

As he was lost in thought, Clarke opened one sleepy eye and mumbled something, giving him a sweet smile.

"Hey," Bellamy said, stroking her light hair.

"Hey," she smiled sleepily.

"I had a great time last night," Bellamy cooed.

Clarke and Bellamy had been sleeping together for a while now, and even when they didn't have sex, she would crawl into his tent at night and sleep snuggled up to him. She told him she felt a sense of comfort being around him. They would find themselves dragged in wholly to the sensations of each others touches.

The feeling was mutual, and Bellamy wanted nothing more than to have Clarke by his side for the rest of his days, hopefully spent on earth. But the earth was dying.

The earth was dying and they don't know how much longer they would be able to hold each other in their grasp and plant kisses on each other. So they held on like they were seeing each other for the last time.

"I want to show you something," Bellamy mused.

"But I want to sleep. You know how long we were shaking the earth last night," Clarke complained, in between small giggles.

"Saw something you might like yesterday. We have to go into the forest to see it."

"Okay. Let me put my clothes on." Clarke slid the blankets off, revealing her bare nipples. Bellamy stared hungrily, noting the fact that no matter how much he saw Clarke, he never got tired of the sight of her, and it took his breath away every time.

"Wait..." He said suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

"May I? Since I undressed you, I think I should be able to dress you as well."

A small smile started at the sides of Clarke's lips. She thought it was the absolute sweetest thing. "Of course, I think I'd like that."

And then started a small dance of clothes dressing, a little less intense than the one they did last night as they had undressed each other, but still as delicate and delightful. Clarke lifted her arms around Bellamy while he put her bra and shirt on, then Clarke put Bellamy's shirt on, kissing his lips sneakily as she pulled the shirt over his head.

He yanked her closer and she jumped as he pulled her pants up and buttoned them up. Clarke hooked his jacket over him, and he kissed her neck.

They laughed and hugged each other, wondering how many moments they were going to have together like this. Clarke snorted and laughed uncontrollably as Bellamy nuzzled her neck.

"You sound like a dying whale," Bellamy teased.

"It's ludicrous that I've inherited that from my mother," she replied in the same sassy tone.

"Let's go, before something happens to it," he said as his eyes suddenly darted towards his jacket.

Clarke stared quizzically. "What is it?"

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