9 // Lexa

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Clarke kissed Lexa's folds and she moaned with pleasure at the movement of Clarke's tongue. She gripped the covers even harder and groaned.

"Yes girl, that feels so fucking good!" Lexa yelled.

Clarke paused and laid on her back, panting like a tired dog. She had been trying to get turned on with Lexa for a hour now, and although Lexa was dripping wet, Clarke was as dry as sand.

I don't understand, what am I doing wrong?

Clarke loved Lexa, and she was sure that Lexa was the love of her life. When she looked into her beautifully sculpted face, like an angel, she was certain it was her. She made her heart flutter, but she couldn't understand why Lexa had become so, unappealing, to Clarke suddenly.

Lexa shot a crooked smile and then frowned at Clarke's slight absence in the current world, she was too busy thinking about her dry vagina.

"Earth to Clarke, do you read?" Lexa mimicked a robot in hopes of catching her girlfriends attention.

Half way through her daydream, she jolted back. "Huh? Oh. Yeah?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah...fantastic," she muttered.

Lexa looked at Clarke and decided to leave the matter and put it aside, which Clarke appreciated highly. She felt obliged to share her feeling with Lexa sooner or later, but she preferred it to be later.

Her body was huddled together tightly with a blanket and she moved Lexa's hair away from her face. She really did love this woman, but was it possible to not be able to love someone enough for full satisfaction? Clarke wondered.

Clarke decided to leave and find the others, probably still in the drop ship. Monty had discovered a pack of playing cards in there, and they were all at it like some kind of card playing tournament.

"You coming?" Clarke asked Lexa.

"Nah, maybe later. I think I'll stay here for now."

"Okay then, I'll see you later," she said wearily. It was almost midnight and Clarke felt slightly uneasy. She couldn't quite pick up a valid reason as to why.

Hoots of laughter could be heard from the drop ship, with some cursing mixed with taunting.

Clarke made her way over and was greeted by a tired Jasper. "I don't get them and their playing cards. Who cares if you have three of spades or queen of hearts?" he mumbled and hugged his blanket tighter. He was only there because he still had a crush on Octavia.

Raven and Murphy challenged each other as everyone else hooted and cheered and looked onto the intense game.

"I have the last card," Murphy taunted.

"Doesn't mean you have to highest value card, and guess what, it's my turn!" Raven fired back.

They were playing a game of President. Clarke's uneasiness turned to sadness when she recalled the time she and Wells used to play it back at the Ark. She missed him terribly.

Counting the numbers, she noticed Bellamy was absent from the lot. Octavia was seated next to Jasper. "Where is Bellamy?" she asked her, leaning over her.

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