7 // Homeless (AU)

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Dear mom and dad,

You think you know me. You talk shit about me behind my back, and I know about it. All of it. You think I don't know what life is yet, but little do you know, that I know an aspect of life that you may never have known. I know something you don't. And that is me.

You don't know me.

You don't know that I'm broken, I'm disappointed, I'm tired, I'm falling, I'm crying.

I've been bullied, I've been self conscious. There were people there for me when you weren't, and you barely know their name.

Sometimes you can't be the parents I want, you have to be the parents I need. But you never are. There's a whole other universe, that you are oblivious too. You are foreigners in that universe.

So don't think you know me.


Clarke stared at the letter, fading under the moonlight. Backpack in one hand, scars on the other. She took one last look around the room, single tear falling on her fresh cut, stinging like a wasp.

She lay the letter carefully on the bed.

You don't know me. I'm scared you'll find out the real me.

After her last blow out with her parents, Clarke had drawn the line that she had been so willingly stepping away from. Unnoticed and dead inside, once her heart used to be full of life and even Clarke knew, that all of that had changed.

With nothing left in her life. School, home, life. They were all blurred lines between fantasy and reality; she fades away.

One last look in the mirror at her broken soul, and she crossed her fingers and hoped she was making the right choice. They would come looking for her for sure, and she hoped they wouldn't find her.

Clarke had been so close to hanging by the rope last night, but decided to give herself a second chance. A chance for new beginnings and a new hope, a new light that she could follow, a new path.

Starting from scratch had become her only option, and she knew it was a risky one. She just wanted to be beautiful, to be loved. Her parents loved her, but they loved the fake Clarke.

The Clarke that pasted on a fake smile and they could look right through her eyes and still not realize she was broken inside. The Clarke that would help them with housework, and never argue and talk back. The Clarke that would listen and obey their every command. The Clarke that they owned. The Clarke that was happy.

This wasn't her.

In fact, little did they know that she died long ago. Every scar that she homed, had a reason behind it and she wish she couldn't count them, but unfortunately she could.

Her friends didn't like her, her family didn't see her for who she was, and her boyfriend cheated on her.

Even coming out as bisexual had been challenging for Clarke, and she could still remember the mixture of shock and anger on her parents, Jake and Abby's, faces when she bought home a girl and introduced her as her girlfriend.

Lexa had tried to impress them so much, but they could never fully accept her like they had accepted Finn whom they even accepted as their 'future son-in-law' after Clarke invited him over. Finn didn't even have to try, and he ended up being a cheater anyway.

Hot tears screamed to be released in Clarke's eyes, but she bit her lip and held them back at the thought of her ex boyfriend Finn, who had been caught with a girl named Raven in the locker room. Now was not the time to think about the jerk. She wanted to start anew.

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