6 // Do You Really Hate Me?

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"I fucking hate you! Did I ever mention that?" Clarke spat, at her partner Bellamy Blake, whom she was forced to lead the camp with.

"Many times Princess," he mumbled, completely ignoring her remarks. He had his back to Clarke. "Don't worry too much, the feeling is mutual."

"Why do I have to be stuck with you? Why does it have to be you? Couldn't it have been anyone else?"

Bellamy loaded his gun ready for any surprise intruders. "You done?"

"No!" Clarke argued.

"Well..." He turned around and stood straight in front of Clarke, "shut up." His breath was hot on Clarke's face and she hated the fact that she was so easily intimidated by him, when she so badly didn't want to be.

She would occasionally curse herself for having the nerve to even think about making out with the guy. Because he was smoking hot. The first time she saw him, although she instantly hated him and his cocky attitude, she couldn't help but think, damn, mhm, sign me the fuck up.

Clarke had seen his gentle side, when he was holding Octavia in his arms. She saw it and knows it's there.

Bellamy had once said: "who we are, and who we have to be to survive, are two very different things."

And she felt like she had always been judging the person he had to be to survive. This wasn't Bellamy Blake.

But she hated Bellamy Blake? And he certainly hated her too, no matter what she felt for him (which was surely hate?). Clarke saw it in the way he glared at her, the way he'd poke fun of her ideas and told her they were pathetic. Went against her will, and everyone else's, if it annoyed Clarke. Because if it pissed off Clarke, it's worth doing.

Clarke also remembered the times he had saved and protected her, the times he supplied essentials to her, the times he was by her side even if it was "not for her" and the times he actually went along with her plans, no matter how pathetic he stated they were.

Bellamy Blake was a confusing man.

Admiration for his love for his little sister had always been there in Clarke's heart. Something she couldn't help but love about him, the way he sacrificed himself for her, to be able to watch over her. Octavia's happiness was his happiness.

Something Clarke didn't understand, being the only child.

Someone clicked their fingers in front of Clarke's face, pulling her out of her trance.

"Are you gonna actually move?" Bellamy scowled, clearly annoyed by Clarke's spacing out episode. Little did he know it was about him.

"I'll move when I want thank you very much!" Clarke said, a little too loudly.

"Well, Princess, you don't have that sweet time that you are talking about," he fired back.

Clarke decided it was her turn to try and act all intimidating, she was no princess. "Don't call my that," she hissed, trying to match up to Bellamy's tall figure and dark expression.

Bellamy, who was obviously steaming with a slight hint of amusement, grabbed Clarke by the arm and pulled her away from the dangerous forest and into the safety of the camp. She considered asking why he was so worried about her being by the far end of the forest, as she was a responsible adult who could take care of herself. She groaned in pain and jerked away.

"Why do you care anyway?" She asked intentionally. Just to see his response.

"Everyone will freak if one of their co-leaders dies. But if you want to be there then personally, that's fine by me," he said, before letting go of Clarke's arm. Just the response she had predicted. He left a red mark on her arm from squeezing too hard.

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