3 // The Pilot (AU)

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Clarke pushed the buggy, full of hot and cold food, whichever pleased the passenger, was the one she would give them. She also had to serve everyone complimentary drinks, and she was still getting used to walking around in an airplane suspended thirty thousand feet in the air.

"Coffee? Tea? Water?" She asked a middle aged woman with a few children.

She was a flight attendant for American Airlines, and for this flight, she was flying long haul from Chicago to Tenerife. This was her second long haul flight. Her first wasn't so good, as she became sick along the way and had to rest in the crew cabins.

This one was going to be approximately eleven hours and forty-five minutes. Clarke had always had a dream for travelling around the world, and although her career allowed her to do so, it was tiring and hard, and sometimes she wished she could just give up.

But she had tried so hard to get to where she was today. She gave up her other career option in the medical field to be a flight attendant, and she knew her mother would say that 'she told her so'. Then Clarke would have to deal with her persistent squabbling.

Some people follow their dreams; others simply don't get to. She was among the lucky who got a choice, and to voice their opinions their whole lives. She gave up her high pay, more study, career option of being a doctor or surgeon, to pursue a low pay, low study, but worthy job.

Clarke wanted to so desperately say she was happy doing a medical job. But she would have been. Almost.

She just knew she had to get used to it, but there is nothing else she'd rather do with her life than spend her time on an aircraft, since she had always adored them as a kid.

After experiencing slight turbulence whist trying to pour hot water into the ladies tea, ultimately causing her to burn herself, she groaned.

"Are you okay miss?" The lady who was patiently waiting for Clarke to hand her her tea, asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just burnt myself. But I shouldn't be complaining, especially to you." Clarke remembered. "Against airline staff protocol."

"Oh please, if you didn't have more passengers to serve, I'd tell you to come join me and chat with me, these kids are driving me nuts." she uttered.

"That would be awesome if I was allowed to do that," Clarke grinned, slightly happier.

"Thank you," the lady said as Clarke handed her the cup.

"You are welcome, and press the button if I can be of any more assistance," Clarke said warmly. It was always these little things that made her happy to be here. Just helping other people aways lightened her mood. She didn't mind slaving away if people appreciated her.

An older flight attendant approached Clarke. "It's your break love, why don't you go and I'll take over here for you."

Clarke thanked her and hurried over to the crew cabin area, where she grabbed herself food and a soda. She opened up the meal package and took a seat on one of the crew chairs. She opened the wrapping to find chicken kebab sticks and a small salad with rice. Is looked like it was certainly going to be her favourite of most airline foods she's eaten, and they haven't been that great.

Now, Clarke wanted to see if it tasted as good as it looked. This must be her lucky day.

Clarke heard shuffling in the crew kitchen area, and then she heard someone talking, with a low voice. She made out a flight attendants voice.

"What can I get you Bellamy?" She asked, in which sounded like, a flirty way.

The male voice said "can I please have the kebabs."

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