Chapter 1: Fatefull Night

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(Your POV)

I get off work at 3 am today. God why did I sigh up for the night shift? I wave goodbye to my boss as I exit the door. Jeez it's cold out here. Snow had started to fall and already there was a couple of centimeters of snow on the ground. I put in my earbuds and put on Make a Move by Icon for Hire. It's late fall and early snowfall isn't totally uncommon here. The last of the leafs have yet to fall even. I shudder at the wind gusts. Fuck, I should've brought a warmer jacket. I thought as I'm rubbing my arms to warm them up. I started wishing that I should've driven to work instead of walked. I couldn't shake the feeling like someone was watching me. For the past couple weeks I've had that feeling and it never ceases to creep me out every single time. I moved her a few years ago to start over. Life back in (home town) got too gossipy and when you dump the mayor's son for cheating and domestic issues then he tells everyone on town that it was me. Yea a fresh start is something I desperately needed. I turned around to see if someone was following me but when I did, there was no one there. Of course. Every time I do look there's nothing. Maybe I'm just paranoid or something. As I continued walking along I tried to ignore the feeling like I always do but I couldn't this time and quite frankly it was scaring me. I keep looking back and seeing nothing every single time. It might just be in my head. Suddenly a pack of wolves turn the corner about 2 blocks ahead of me. What the hell are wolves doing in the city? They stopped the second they saw me. There was 5 of them. 2 of them were a blondish color, one black, one light brown, and one big and cream colored. They bolted towards me, growling. I fell over backwards in fear. Ah fuck! This can't be happening!  I try and run in the opposite direction but it was like I was frozen in place. I can't move. The light brown one was about to attack me when a man in a long coat came in between me and the wolves. Terrified I screamed and fell to the ground. The light brown wolf went to bit the man. I covered my eyes. I didn't want to see the man getting mauled to death. But instead of hearing a scream and intense growling from the wolves, I hear fighting and whines of pain coming from the wolves. I uncover my eyes and see ,with one punch, the brown wolf flung back into the others. The rest of the wolves halted, baring their teeth and snarling. A low hiss came from the man. What's going on? Who is this man? The wolves hesitantly turned around and ran into the park down the block a ways. The man turned around and extended a hand. I cautiously took his hand. His touch was icy cold. "Thank you. I don't know what would've happened if you weren't here." I said as he gently pulled me up to my feet. "Jou're velcome." He said in a thick German accent. His accent got me off guard. I looked into his eyes. They were blood red and intense. My heartbeat quickened as fear swept through my body. His blonde hair shone beautifully in the lamplight. I could see he was very muscular and much taller then me. We starred at each other for a moment then he turned and went into the ally just a yard away. I ran to the ally to see were he was going and when I got there, he was gone. Strange. I walked home still thinking about the mysterious man that saved me. When I got to my apartment, there was 5 men in the alleyway by my apartment building. They have never been there before. Who are they? I thought walking into my apartment. I bolted the door and leaned on it. I couldn't get that man out of my head or the attack he saved me from. I put my purse and jacket in the sofa and got ready for bed. I laid in bed thinking of the events of tonight and the man. I wonder if I'll see him again? I thought before I fell asleep.

(Germany's POV)

I followed her home from the rooftops to avoid being seen. When she got to her apartment building I noticed the men in the ally. When she was inside, I jumped down. "Vhy za hell are you here?" I said. "Aw Germany. Good to see you again." The French one said. "We are not causing any terrible." The Russian said. "Answer the damn question." I said, angrily. "We're just hanging around." The American said but I didn't believe that. "Is 'hanging around' mean attacking a voman?" I asked. "We attacked to stop you from getting her. Our intention was to scare her off." The British one said. "We could smell you close to her." The Chinese said. "We know you pray on women dude." The American said. "I wasn't hunting her." "Then what were you doing?" The French one asked. I froze. I was out hunting after all but I couldn't bring myself to kill her. She's different then my other pray. "Wait. Do you have a crush on her don't you honhon." The French said. "Ve've only just met, vhy vould jou sink zat?" I said. "You didn't kill her after you made us flee." The French one said. They then left. The sun was about to come up so I started for the house. When I got home Italy, Japan and Prussia were home. "Germany! You're-a back. How was it out-a there?" Italy said. "France, Britain, America, China and Russia are in town again." I said looking at Prussia. "What for." Japan asked. "Don't know. Zey vere going to attack a voman then I intervened. I followed her home to make sure zey didn't do it again." I said. "Vhere jou going to drink her?" My bruder asked. "I was until they attack. I couldn't then." I lied. "Oh is meine little bruder in love?" Prussia said. "N-nein." I said. Prussia kept pressing at the matter. I went into my room to escape his questions. I laid down on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I couldn't get her out of my head. Her (e/c) eyes, her (h/c) hair, the way she looked at me. The fear in her eyes. It was intoxicating. I laid there think about her until the sun was up. All I knew is that I wanted to see her again and to....protect her.

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