Chapter 7: The Awakening

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(Your POV)
~ in your consciousness~

My body felt like it was burning from the inside. What the hell was happening? I started seeing pictures of my past. My parents, friends...Ludwig. I saw my parents being murdered by a man with an Irish accent. I saw my best friend kill herself from grief......I saw Ludwig saving me from the werewolves. I saw my journey with him. The first time we kissed, him introducing me to his brother and friends, him saving me from Russia...the sex. I wanted to return to him. I called out for him but no answer. I started running even at my body burned. I saw two doors. One was marked 'darkness' and the other marked 'salvation' I figured that one of these doors would led to Ludwig so I entered 'salvation'.

(Ludwig's POV)

I carried (y/n) to my room and placed her down on my bed. I stayed my her side, listening to her heartbeat. I never left her side. Hungary came over to clean her up a bit. Hungary wiped off all the blood and put a black and red dress. Hungary placed (y/n)'s hands across her rib cage.

It's been 7 hours since I rescued her, the sun is up and her heartbeat is still weak

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It's been 7 hours since I rescued her, the sun is up and her heartbeat is still weak. She hasn't moved at all apart from her eyes fluttering. (like what you do in ram sleep) After Hungary left I took (y/n)'s hand. Her wounds healed as if they were never made in the first place. I ran my thumb across the top of her hand. Her skin was still soft. 12 hours later Her heartbeat suddenly stopped. I looked at her with hopeful eyes but nothing. I was too late. "Meine Leibe? Can jou please open jour eyes?" Still nothing. I started 'tearing' up. "Come on baby, please open jour eyes." Tears steaming down my face. Her hands where no longer warm but now as cold as myself. My heart shank. No no no She's gone. I placed my head in my hands, crying.

As I sat there silently crying for what felt like an forever, that's when I felt a hand on my head. I look up to see Meine Liebe awake! Her eyes were red instead of her usual (e/c) ones. She's awake! I turned her just in time. I suddenly wrapped my arms around her in a hug then gently placed my forehead onto hers as tears continued to fall. She looked around, trying to figure out where she was. "Meine Liebe! I thought I lost you." I said. "Ludwig. You will never lose me." She said smiling. I helped her sit up. I looked into her now red eyes, thankful that she was still with me. I kissed her, happily. She still tasted the same. "Ich liebe dich (y/n)." I said. "Ich liebe dich auch Ludwig." She replied.

"Ludwig, what happened after I passed out?" She asked. "Ve rescued jou from za allies. Jou vere bleeding heavily so I took jou to an abandoned varehouse vhere I-I...turned jou into one of us. It vas the only vay to save you." I said. She smiled. "Thank you for saving me again." She said. I picked her up and kissed her. I never wanted this to end, but she had to feed soon. She suddenly grabbed at her throat like it was parched. "Jou need to hunt." I said. I looked outside to see the sun was just about to set. "Jou're going to have to vait about 15 minutes." I said. She nodded. After about 15 minutes we start out the front door. I could tell she wanted to bolt off and drink the blood of anyone she finds, but I held onto her hand, preventing her from doing so. We walked to an alleyway where I knew a gang hung out. There were 4 of them tonight. (Y/n) was amped up and ready to go. I was about to let her hand go when a woman walked around the corner. The gang members surrendered her, calling her every pet name, I could feel how the woman felt. She was very uncomfortable and scared. We watched the events unfold just how you'd expect. "Go after za men only." I whispered to (y/n). She nodded and I released my grip from her hand. She run up to one of the men and drank him dry with in seconds. The other members tried to attack meine Liebe but they were way too slow. She drank one other members before I joined in. I drank a member before knocking out the last one. (Y/n) a little strand of blood from her mouth. I smiled and wiped away the strand. She pulled me in for a kiss. "Thank you so much." The woman said in a Japanese accent. "Our pleasure ma'am." (Y/n) responded, wrapping her arm around my waist. "Vhat's jour name?" I asked. "Yuki. I just moved here." I looked at her curiously. That's when I picked up on her scent. Normally people are freaked out when they see us feeding but she's not human. "How come jou're not scared of us?" I asked. "You saved me. Why would I freak out?" She replied. I looked at her closely. "Jou know about us. Vhat are ve?" I asked. "Vampires." She said, exposing her own fangs then quickly covering her mouth. "I'm so sorry. The blood must be affecting me more then I thought." Yuki apologized. But her eyes weren't red like ours. They were an Amber brown. (Y/n) looked at me and knew what she was thinking. "Come vith us. Ve have some questions for jou zat can't be said here. Plus ve could use za company. " I said. "O-ok." She said. She walked with us back to the house. When we entered, Japan was reading one of his mangas. He looked up. He eyes starred at Yuki. Japan got up and walked towards us. "Herro Mr. Germany, (y/n). Who is this woman?" He asked. "Japan zis is Yuki, she's new to town. Ve saved her from some unsavory gentlemen. Zinking about it now, she didn't need our help." I said. Japan bowed. "Kenichi Wah miss Yuki. I am Honda Kiku But peopre carr me Japan. I am very preased to meet you." He said. "Kenichi Wah Mr. Honda Kiku. The preasures all mine." She replied. "Japan why don't you make our guest more comfortable." (Y/n) said.

(Japan's POV)

Mr. Germany walked into the house with miss (y/n), alive and a newborn vampire. I noticed that there was someone else with them. A girl. I walked up to them. "Herro Mr. Germany. Who is this woman?" I asked. "Japan zis is Yuki. Ve saved her from some unsavory gentlemen." He said. I immediately bowed. "Kon'nichiwa watashi no namae wa nippon desu anata ni totemo urshī desu Yuki kimi." I said. She was a very beautiful woman. "Kon'nichiwa nippon ni oai dekite kōē desu." She said. She's also knows Japanese. Miss (y/n) told me to make miss Yuki more comfortable. I led miss Yuki to the living room while Mr Germany and miss (y/n) went upstairs. She sat down on the couch. I sat down on one of the armchairs beside her. I felt nervous about her, like I would break her if I touched her. "So Mr Japan, how rong have you been a vampire?" She asked. I thought for a moment. "About five centuries. Why you ask?" I asked. "My father was a vampire. He lived 2 centuries before he was kirred." She replied. My eyes widened. "Your harf Vampire? How is the even possibre?" I asked. "Yes. My father's mate was a human and he never turned her. My mother died bringing me into the worrd so my aunt raised me. Berieve it or not I'm only 10 years old." "But you rook 20 years old." I said. "The growth rate for a harf vampire is very fast. 7 years after birth I rooked this way." She said. "What is your-a diet?" Italy suddenly said. We turned around and looked at him. "Blood, human food. I can survive on either." She said. "Oh I can make pasta again." Italy said, excitedly. "NO PASTA ITALY." I heard Mr Germany say from upstairs. "I can turn humans into vampires as well." She said. "I suppose jou life a shorter life zen humans." Mr Germany said. "I rive ronger exactry." I'm amazed. Not only is she beautiful but she can live as long as us too. I wanted to protect her even though she can fend for herself. I think I'm falling for her.


Kon'nichiwa watashi no namae wa nippon desu anata ni totemo urshī desu Yuki kimi: hello my name is Japan it is very nice to meet you lady Yuki

Kon'nichiwa nippon ni oai dekite kōē desu: it is a pleasure to meet you Japan

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