Chatper 4: Becoming Mates

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(Your POV)
~2 months later~

Ludwig and I have hardly been apart these past couple months. I know my boss is probably wondering if I'm ok cause I keep calling in sick the last few days in order to stay with Ludwig. So I decided to go into work today. I told Ludwig that I was heading to work and that he can pick me up at 7 o'clock since that's when I get off work. I was almost done with my shift and my boss left for the day when a man came in wearing a white scarf. "Hello sir. Can I help you with anything?" I asked. "Yes I was wondering if you have any knowledge of a vampire nest in the area?" He said in a Russian accent. I paused. "I-I doesn't know what your talking about. Vampires? They don't exist." I said. "Don't play game with me little girl. I know you hangout with one. You reek of vampire." The Russian said, inches away from my face. I looked at the clock. I still had half an hour until 7.

(Germany's POV)

I pulled up to where meine Liebe works. Usually she's out front by now, then I suddenly smelled wolf. I got out of the car and rushed inside. I saw Russia holding the love of my life in the air by her throat. I run up, punched him in the face and catching (y/n) before she hit the ground. "Vhat za hell are jou doing here, Russia?" I asked, angrily. "I'm here for you Germany." Russia said, smirking. I placed meine Liebe behind the counter. "Ludwig." (Y/n) said. I looked at her. "He knows I'm your weakness." She said softly. I kissed her on the forehead as Russia grabbed my shirt collar and threw me across the room. I grunted as I stood up. "Jou'll pay for hurting meine Liebe." I said, angrily. "Why she's not even your full mate yet." Russia said. I ran up and tackled him. He kicked me off then changed into his wolf form. He snarled at me then charged. I punched him, sending him flying towards the Westside wall. Russia got up and charged at me again. He knocked me over on my back. He trying to bit my face but I was strong enough to keep that from happening. I was able to kick him off sending him flying out the door. He landed close to my car. He got up and ran north. I run to (y/n). "Liebe, are jou ok?" I asked, concerned. "Yea. What was that thing?" She asked. "A verevolf. The natural enemy of the vampire." I told her. "Is that what attacked me when you first saved me?" "Ja." I placed her in my lap and hugged her. We sat on the floor for a good 3 minutes. "I zink jou should stay vith us for avhile. So I can protect jou." I said. "Agreed." She replied. I picked her up and carried her to my car. As I placed her in my car, "I'm sorry for causing a mess in jour vorkplace." I apologized. "Oh it's fine. But before we leave I have to call my boss. I can't just leave the store like that." I nodded and left her to call her boss. It took about 45 minutes for her boss to show up with the cops. It made me nervous. I knew her boss would check the cameras and my fight with Russia would definitely be on it. I drove to her house to pickup some of her things. We got out and went into her apartment. We pack some clothes and some of her things. The entire time I was thinking about how to protect my secret. Vampires can't be known to exist. There will be consequences if that happens. I helped her carry her things to the car and we drove back to my place. Italy was the first one out the door. "Germany you-a back.." Italy paused when he saw my face and (y/n). "Is-a everything alright?" He asked. "Not entirely." I said as I carried (y/n)'s things to my room. As I finished bringing the last of (y/n)'s things up, Japan and Prussia were in the living room talking to Italy. "You stay here and rest meine Liebe. I'll be right back." I said, kissing her. She nodded and I shut the door behind me and went down stairs.

"Vest vhat's going on?" My bruder asked. "Russia attacked meine Liebe at her work place. I stopped him from doing anyzing bad." I said, still angry at the event. "They can't get away with this." Japan said. "Why would he-a do something like-a that?" Italy asked. "To get to us." Prussia said. "Zose Aschlocks von't get avay vith zis." Prussia continued. "Until ve know it's save again, she's staying here." I said. "Hei, I agree." Japan said. "Si." Italy said. "I also zink zat is best." Prussia said. "Wunderbar. Sie steht hier dann." I say. They all nodded in agreement. "Japan?" "Yes" "Zere's video evidence of za fight. Could jou and Italy go and edit za footage?" I asked. Japan nodded. "Yes. We werr set out immediatery." He said. "Zank jou my friend." I said. Japan nodded and left to find Italy. I then head back upstairs.

(Your POV)

I sat on Ludwig's bed thinking of what the Russian werewolf said. "Why she's not even your full mate yet." What did he mean by not full mate? It kept looping in my head. I heard footsteps approach the door. Ludwig entered the room and sat down beside me, pulling me into a hug. "Is somezing on your mind?" He asked. "What did that Russian werewolf mean by 'not full mate'?" I asked. Germany took a deep breath. "Vhen Vampires and verevolves find someone zat they are attached to or love, zey form a unbreakable bond vith zem through intimacy. In other vords zey find zeir life partner/mate." He explained. "Am I your mate?" I asked. "Do jou vant to be?" He asked. I smiled. "Yea. I can't imagine my life without you." I said. He looked at me. "You could get hurt Meine Liebe." He said, getting up. I walked towards him, his back facing me, and took his hand. "Whatever it is, you won't hurt me. I've survived worse." I said. "It's not zat simple (y/n). I don't vant to loss control and kill jou." He said. I walked in front of him and took his face in my hands. "I trust you my love. You won't loose control." I said, looking into his blue eyes. "Du bist schön meine Liebe." He said

He suddenly kissed me lustfully. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I ran my fingers through his blonde hair as He put his hands on my hips. I could feel his arousal but he then pushed me away. "I-I don't vant to kill jou." He said, back against the wall. I walked up to him, putting my hand on his cheek. I looked into his eyes. "I'm not afraid of death. I'm only afraid of losing you forever." I told him. I could see the lust in his eyes but they also had fear in them. I unbuttoned his shirt and started to trace his chiseled abs with my finger. Ludwig gently grabbed my arm, as in to pull me closer but he hesitated. "It's ok. I'll be fine." I said. He then pulled me in and kissed me. I moved my hands to his pants and undid them. Ludwig then pulled off my shirt revealing that I had no bra on and started playing with my nipples. I moaned at his actions. He helped me remove his pants, revealing his 8 inch erected, throbbing member. I felt myself being picked up and then suddenly I was on my back. He kissing me roughly as he then proceeded to remove my pants. He then kissed down my neck to my breasts. He proceeded to lick and softly bit at my right nipple. I moaned with pleasure. I felt a tiny knot form in my stomach. He became kissing me all the way down to my clit and slid his tongue in. Ludwig proceeded to move his tongue in a way that can only be described as incredible! I moaned a little louder. I cam and he licked me clean. He kissed me, making me taste myself. He positioned himself to enter me. He again hesitated. I looked up at him and gave him a node. He kissed me as if it was our last. He rubbed his member at my entrance, making me tempted. He slowly began entering me. I gasped at the pain. Ludwig kissed my cheek and forehead. "Shh shh. Ve still have a vays to go." He said. "It hurts." "I know. Grab onto me if it hurts." He said. He then proceeded to continue entering me. I dug my nails into his skin. After a few moments of pain, he pulled out a little and thrusted into me again. The pain quickly subsided. "Y-you can go faster." I moaned. He nodded and slowly began picking up the pace. I started moaning in pleasure. "Oh Ludwig." I moaned and he hit my G-spot. He started getting really rough which caused me to moan uncontrollably and he growled. It almost felt like he was going to rip me apart. He gripped onto the head board, making it crack with his strength. I could feel his fangs against my neck, he was fighting himself. I bite him to keep myself from screaming in pleasure. I then felt his hot seed fill my womb as my juices surrounding his member. He then pulled out of me and laid next to me. I curled up to his chest, taking in his scent. He placed his forehead against mine and smiled, fangs still present. "Zis bonds us for life. No one can separate us now." He said. I looked at him. He's eyes were now red. "Does zat scare you?" He ask. "No. It makes me happy." I said, kissing him. We laid there holding each other until I fell asleep.


Wunderbar. Sie steht hier dann: good. she stays here then.

Meine liebe: my love.

Du bist schön: you are beautiful.

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