Chapter 6: The Rescue

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(Your POV)

I woke up tied to a chair and my head spinning. Oh god my head hurts. I tried to slip out of the rope but it was too tight. I looked around the room and noticed that one of the wolves was guarding the door. "W-where am I?" I asked. He looked up. "Your at our headquarters." He said in an American accent, sounding bored. "Why did you take me? Let me go!" I demanded. "I'm afraid I can't do that little missy." The American said. "I'm not little....what's your name?" I asked. "Alfred but everyone calls me America. Is my awesomeness getting to you?" He said, flexing. "Hell no." I replied. He looked shocked and hurt by my answer. "Why the hell not? Your not connected to anyone yet." He said. "What makes you think that?" I asked, pissed. "You may reek of vampire but you obviously haven't committed to any of them." He said. Who the hell does he think he's talking to? I thought. "Well for your information I am connected to one of them. Ludwig I mean Germany." I said. "No you're not. You're not Germany full ma......." America said. He sniffed me like he was trying to smell if I was lying. I've about had enough of him. He then suddenly left the room.

He then came back with the other werewolves. "What the hell are you going on about?" The British man asked. "Britain, I asked her questions to see if she's actually Germany's mate that when I could smell it." America said. "Smelled what?" I asked. "You were untouched before when we all, well you probably thought we attacked you." America said. Britain facepalmed. "He has a nose like a bloody hound. He's gotten us kicked out of many places for that." Britain said. "Like strip clubs Britain." I said. The British man look shocked that I knew his name. "How the bloody hell do you know my name?" He asked. "It's called living with a vampire. Lud...Germany tell me everything. Plus your boy America over here just said it." I said, cocky like. Britain looked annoyed. "Well do you know our names then?" Russia asked. "Yes I do your Russia, you attacked me at my workplace. The man with the long blonde hair you are France and my bodyguard over there is America. You with the ponytail, you are China. Plus your accents give you away" I said. They all looked shocked. They looked at each other, not knowing what to say next. "If Germany has tell you everything he's told you about us then right?" America asked. "Yes you are werewolves. You all attacked me over a few months ago when Germany first saved me." I said. "Bloody hell. She's either incredibly smart or she's telling the truth." Britain said. I let out an annoyed sigh. They are idiots I swear. "Well then let's get to the interrogation shell we?" France said. Russia and Britain suddenly walked up to me. Russia pulled out some torture tools. There were scalpels and all sorts of different weird looking Instruments. Oh that's terrifying. Russia must have noticed my fear because he smirked evilly as he held one of the scalpels in his hand. oh fuck. This is going to suck.  Russia teased me with the non-sharpened end on my cheek. I winced at the sight. "This will only hurt if you make it hurt." Britain said. I glared at him. No shit Sherlock. "I think we should try my Chinese water torture." China said. "Do what you want. You won't get anything out of me." I said. "Strap her to the rack. And put this around her head." Britain ordered. That son of a bitch. Russia put me to what they called the rack and place the headgear on me. Russia tired and my feet down and my hands over my head. He then put a contraption over my head poured water into it. He placed a towel over my entire face then turn the nozzle to where it would drop a single drop every few seconds. Ludwig, you better get here quick. I thought as the water droplets fell.

(Ludwig's POV)
(5 hours later)

I picked up the fuckers scent. Since Japan can read minds I told him to tell the others to meet me by the abandoned warehouse 5 miles out of town. Eventually everyone got there. Prussia was the last to show up as usual. "So did you find them?" Italy asked. "If I didn't, vhy za hell vould I call jou guys all za vay out here?" I said. I wasn't in the mood for it any of Italy's questions. "So where are they Mr. Germany?" Japan asked. "Up the road avays in an old farm house. That's where they're scent ends." I said. "Perfect, let's go get zese auchlocks." Prussia said. "Wait we need a plan first." Japan said. I nodded in agreement. We then devised a plan where me and Prussia would enter first then Italy and Japan we would take out what wolves we see. I would search for meine Liebe and take out any guards.

We approach the house as quiet as we could. The house was quiet, I looked inside and see that there was three of them inside the house. China, America and France. Britain and Russia must be guarding meine Liebe. Since the house is large enough we compromised that all of us would attack at the same time. Italy and Japan at the back and me and Prussia at the front. I gave the command to be all attacked. I'm surprised that they didn't smell us coming. America literally fell out of his chair, France try to make it down to the basement before Prussia knocked his ass out and China try to hit us with a frying pan. Since France trying to get downstairs I went down and saw Britain guarding the back door. When he saw me coming, he transformed into his wolf form. Pretty much all I had to do was fling him towards the wall and he passed out. I heard (y/n) screaming coming from the room he was guarding. I opened the door to see Russia carving into (y/n). He stopped the second I open the door. Russia transformed into his wolf form and charged at me. I immediately grabbed his rib cage and crushed it. He yelped and twisted on the floor in pain. The smell of blood filled the air. I went over to (y/n), passed out and bleeding heavily. "No no no. Come on baby stay Vith me." I said in agony. Her heart beat was very slow. I fought back my tears. I know Prussia Italy and Japan can now smell the blood. Japan came down and saw me over her bloody body. Japan walked over, trying not to bare his fangs at the smell of blood. He's eyes were red. I knew I had to get her out of here before one of us loses control. "I'm going to get her out of here." I said, holding back tears. Japan put his hand on my shoulder. "She won't make the trip Mr. Germany." He said, still struggling to compose himself. I got up and rushed her to the abandoned warehouse. I open the warehouse and saw that had some mattresses in it. I laid (y/n) down on one of the mattresses. I was covered in her blood. I myself was having a difficult time controlling myself. She was white as a ghost and her lips were blue. I knew there was only one way to save her now. I would have to turn her. Her heartbeat now was too slow for any doctor to revive her. I know either had seconds or minutes before she was out of my life forever. I looked down at her now tattered frame. Even tattered she's still beautiful. I could still hear her screams in my head. It's haunting to even think about what they did to my beautiful (y/n). I knelt down beside her, lifted her and bit her neck, tears streaming down my cheeks.

This chapter was the hardest chapter to write so far. Hope you're enjoying the story so far. 😊

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