Chapter 9: The Russian Girl

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(Italy's POV)

I was walking around after the sun had fallen. Man, hardly anyone is out tonight. The full moon looked lovely and the wind would be brisk if I was human. A couple of people were wondering around in the moonlight. I was walking in the park when I here crying coming from the woods. I decided to go towards the crying and what I found was a girl. She had long brown hair and pretty emerald green eyes. "Are-a you alright Bella?" I asked. The girl looked up, startled. "I-I'm ok. Just, just sad." She said in a shaky Russian accent. "You're-a Russian. Do-a you a-know a man who goes by-a Russia?" I asked. "Da. But we aren't on good terms after what happened." She replied. "What-a happened?" I asked. She looked down, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Y-You won't understand. I'm a beast in human form. I'm dangerous." She said, crying. I then realized that she's not human. "I'll understand. Trust me I'm not-a human either." I accidentally said out loud. Realizing what I said I quickly tried to cover it up. "N-not that I-a think your-a not human.." "Wait your not human too." She said. "Si. I'm a vampire. I live on blood." I said cheerfully. She smiled and then hugged me. "I'm not alone." She said, softly in my ear. "I'm a vampire as well." She said. She released me from her hug and stood before me. She was two inches shorter than I am. "Do-a you have-a home?" I asked. She shook her head. "No. I'm alone." She replied. "Well then. Would you like to stay with me and my-a friends?" I asked. "Da. That would be awesome." She smiled. "My name is Feliciano Vargas but everyone calls me Italy." I said walking towards the house. "I'm Emily."

(Germany's POV)

I was talking to meine Liebe when Italy bursted through the door. "GERMANY, JAPAN, EVERYONE! Come into the living room." Italy shouted. (Y/n) grabbed my hand and walked into the living room with me. There we saw Italy with a vampire girl. I could tell she was new to the vampire life but how the hell did Italy find her. "Italy how is zis?" I asked. "This is-a Emily. She's new around here." Italy said, happily. "Im Germany." I said. "Nice to meet you Emily. I'm (y/n). I'm Germany's mate." (Y/n) said, wrapping her arm around me. Emily looked at us like she didn't know what to say. "N-nice to meet you Germany and (y/n)." She said as Prussia entered the room. "Damn. Vho's za hottie?" He said. "Prussia. This is Emily. Italy's new friend." (Y/n) said. Prussia walked up and wrapped his arm around Emily's shoulders. Emily looked unsure. "I zink jou should me my friend instead." Prussia said, lustfully. "No-a. You can't-a have her." Italy said, grabbing Emily's arm. Prussia and Italy argued over who gets Emily from a few minutes. "SHUT UP!!! Jou're alvays fighting over vomen. How about jou let her choose for once." I said. Emily looked at me thankfully. "She just arrived. Let her be." (Y/n) said. Prussia removed his arm and Italy let go of her.

(Emily's POV)

I'd have to say, I like it here with Feliciano and his coven I think. I been having this strange feeling towards Him even though we just met. It's almost like I can't breath without him around me. Am I in love with him? There was a knock on the guest room that Feliciano showed me. "Come in." I Said. When the door opened, there was Feliciano, standing in the doorway. "Hi-a Emily. Do you-a like the a-room?" He asked. "Da. It's pretty." I said with a smile. Italy walked over and sat beside me. "Can I-a ask you-a something?" "Da." "Have-a you been a-having this-a feeling like-a you can't breath unless your-a around-a certain person?" He asked. He's been feeling it too. "Da. Why you ask?" I asked. He looked at me. "I-a like a-you Emily." He said. My eyes widened. "I-I like you too, Feliciano." I said. "Really?" He said. I giggled. "Da." He suddenly kissed me. I didn't know what to do at first but then I melted into the kiss. Before I knew it we were having sex. Afterwards we laid there, cuddling. "Hey-a Emily?" I looked at him. "Do you a-want to be-a my mate?" "Da." I replied. He then handed me a ring.

 He then handed me a ring

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