Chapter 2: The Encounter

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(Your POV)

I woke up at noon. Figures, I didn't sleep until 4 am. Good thing it's my weekend off. It was a cloudy day as I laid in bed for a few moments, still thinking of that man. His blood red eyes kelp reappearing. I got out of bed and dressed in a black over shoulder top, camouflage jeans, gold hoop earrings, black combat boots, black and gold leather bracelets, cross necklace and a black studded belt.

 I got out of bed and dressed in a black over shoulder top, camouflage jeans, gold hoop earrings, black combat boots, black and gold leather bracelets, cross necklace and a black studded belt

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I decided to go to the park to get out of the house. I grabbed my (f/c) coat and purse before heading out the door. The park was only 3 blocks away so I walked. When I got to the park, there was hardly any people. I walked towards the pond in the middle of the park when I accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry sir--" I paused. I turned around to see my rescuer from last night. " saved me last night from those wolves." I said. "Ja. Zat vas me. So sorry I ran off vithout you catching my name. I vas in a rush." He said. "It's ok." I said. "My name is Ludwig Beilschmidt by za vay." He said, extending his hand. "I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you." I said, shaking his hand. His touch was still cold as ice. I noticed his eyes were blue this time. "Hey did you get contacts?" I asked. "No. Vhy?" He asked. "Your eyes were blood red the last time I saw you. Now they're blue." "Oh Uhh zat happens sometimes." Germany said, rubbing the back of his neck, nervously. Odd. I've never heard of eyes changing colors before. I looked at his curiously. "Germany! Let's go!" A voice said. Who's Germany? Ludwig looked northeast towards the voice. "Vell I better get going." He said. "Oh ok. See ya around." I said as he walked off. "Wait!" I said. He turned and looked at me. "Can we meet up here tomorrow?" I asked. Ludwig/Germany half smiled. "Ja. At 5 pm if zat's ok." "Perfect. See you tomorrow." I said. After Germany left I went home to do some research. When I got home I went onto my laptop and searched "people who's eye color changes." There were some medical websites that explained some but non that were as extreme as going from red to blue. I stopped a couple of time to think and get something to eat but it was also odd that he was ice cold. I became look up reasons for people alway being cold to the touch and some articles were medical conditions or weather reasons but nothing definitive. I jokingly thought maybe he's a vampire like in the Hollywood movies so I thought what the hell might as well look it up. Articles of some mythical creature called the cold one in native American culture or vampires in European culture. As I read the article I could easily link up some of what Ludwig had. Cold pale skin, super strength, really fast, eye color change. It all made sense kinda. I clicked some of the other cultures at the bottom of the article and words such as blood drinker and living dead. After reading the different lore for a while I noticed it was getting late and went to bed around 1 am. I had a dream about Ludwig that he was a vampire and I was his pray but he never killed me. Instead he'd drink a little from me then kiss me and he was gentle. He never hurt me or drank from me without my permission.

(Few weeks later)

I continued getting to know Ludwig and after awhile I grew comfortable around him. He told me about where he was from,Germany, and how he traveled a lot with his 2 friends and his brother. He told me stories about them and the mischief they all ran into from time to time. I questioned him on his medical conditions to which he was stand offish but never gave me a what kind they were. I also as a joke would tease him about being a vampire and always meeting on rainy days or as night. Every time I did he'd always get super nervous which I found suspicious and I can confront Ludwig now after what happened yesterday. I 'accidentally' cut my hand on rock while hiking with him. My hand bled somewhat and Ludwig had to turn away. He made a low groan in his throat like he was trying to stop something from coming out. He also had to walk away until the bleeding stopped. Today we were just going to walk around in the park so I decided to tell him and maybe get some mich needed answers.

~time skip to the park~

Ludwig was waiting for me by the pond as usual. I walked over and told him I wanted to tell him something but somewhere more discreet. He followed me into the woods and after about 5 minutes of walking I stopped. I didn't face him. "(Y/n), is somezing vrong?" He asked concerned. I was up all night trying to come up with how to tell him. I didn't want to hurt him. He was sweet and a gentleman. I took a deep breath. "I know what you are." I said. He didn't reply. "Your skin is cold as ice. Your eyes change color and your fast." I said. "You're a vampire." "Are jou afraid of me?" He asked. "No." I lied. It terrified me to look into his eyes when they were red. "Jou should be." He walked until he was almost touching me. He then took a deep breath. "I've killed people before." He said. "I know you probably didn't have a choice. So it doesn't matter." I said. He then put his hand on my shoulder. "Of coarse it matters...I could easily kill jou if I lost control." He said, sadly. "You won't lose control-" with a blink of an eye he was now in front of me. It took me by surprise and I gasped. "Ja I vill." He then took his hand corseted my cheek. He was so close. My heart rate went up and I had butterflies in my stomach. "I don't vant to hurt jou, but it pains me to be away from jou." He said. I placed my hand on the hand in my cheek. I had to admit. These last few weeks I've fallen for the man standing in front of me. "Then don't be." He looked at me, surprised. Ludwig then leaned in and kissed me. I didn't pull away. He tasted amazing. He wrapped me in his arms gently like he didn't want to break me. Our tongues explored each other's mouths. We broke the kiss for air. I looked into his blue eyes while he starred into my (e/c) ones.

We walked around the park hand in hand. He even walked me home. When we got to my apartment I invited him in but he declined. "Vould love to but I have to get back. Za others vill be vondering vhere I am." He said. "They're just like you?" "Ja. Three. My bruder, Prussia and Italy and Japan." He said. "Those aren't their real names right?" I asked. He chuckles. "Nein. Zey are just nicknames." "Well one day I'd like to meet them." I said smiling. "Maybe one day. Prussia likes to press on matters zat get personal at times zough." Ludwig said. "That ok. What about Italy and Japan?" "Italy like to invade personal space and Japan is quite." He replied. "Well I look forward to meeting them." I giggled. Ludwig lifted my chin as he kissed me goodbye. God I never want this to end. He broke the kiss. He then turned to leave. "Wait, Ludwig. Does this make us a couple?" I asked. Ludwig smiled. "Do jou want us to be?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes." "Then Ja. It does." I smiled as he left. I closed the door behind me and bolted it. I laid on my bed thinking of Ludwig.

(America's POV)

Oh shit, France called it. I have to tell the others.

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