Chapter 1

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It was a rather lovely shiny day and Mel was talking on the phone with her sister who had told her she would be back in a bit. " Mel!" Your faithful friend, Catty calls after Mel hung up with Mal. Mel glances behind her shoulder, at the calendar. "Oh come on Catty. Spit it out!" Mel laughs. "Hey, it's not my fault I'm not as easy with talking to guys like you!" Catty whined. Mel has  known her ever since they were kids, and she was one of Mel's one in a million friends. Mel considered everyone she knew, as family. She pushed the hair out of her face and smile widely, knowing Catty couldn't see it."Catty it take-" She paused, briefly, then start talking again."It takes courage Catty." She hears Catty sigh as she flopped backwards on her bed in her room. She walked outside then decided to sprint into the woods with Catty still on the phone. Five shapes pull into view: She didn't recognize them at all. What a wonderful surprise ( Sarcasm ).She told Catty to meet her in the woods before hanging up. 

Catty pulls up next to her, following her gaze. She studied one of them, cautiously. A half-dragon?!. He had black hair with a gleaming smile his eyes shining and a black t-shirt on. He was pretty cute, but he didn't seem like her type. Or so she thought. He sniffs the air with his dragon senses your guessing. His eyes fix on someone a good distance from him and his friends, and they glare back. This one appeared to be a shadow dragon. Her blue eyes observe him, and tension crackles through the air. "Josh! What is it?" A funny dressed girl asked, laying a hand on his arm that had gripped around a dagger that looked like a wolf bit through it.

Josh studies them before he noticed Mel, and the others follow his gaze. Catty lets out a squeak as Josh speaks. "Who the hell are you? And why are you watching us? Haven't you got somewhere else to be?" He's got a dirty mouth, Mel thought drly, staying silent. The 2nd half-dragon, his brother she observed, looking apologetic. She tenses as he nears, stepping back. "Now, now, Josh. I'm sorry, he's very sensitive about others finding Night. " The half-dragon  grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him away, glaring at his brother. "You talk too much to pretty girls." She glared daggers at him as she dragged him away, the half-dragon wearing a weird derped up look, kind of like what a perv would look like after peeking into a hot spring filled with girls. "What a weird bunch," Catty says, voicing your thoughts. "Hey! Who you calling weird?!" The half-dragon snaps, his grip on the dagger tightening.

Mel glares back, as she reached for her dagger as well. "She didn't mean it." Her eyes narrow, as she instinctively steps in front of Catty, blocking her from the arrogant half-dragon. "(Something insulting here)" He hovered his hand over the dagger, and it transformed to more like a catana. Mel's blue eyes widen in shock, causing her to step back. "Don't look so confident now, do ya? Maybe you should think better before you talk!" Josh mutters, and she bites her lip. Confidence wells in her as she takes up his posture, crouching. What an arrogant fool. Maybe a hit or two would teach this idiot to shut his mouth. "Think before you talk." She snarls, lunging at him. Josh easily knocks the dagger out of her hand, and next thing she knows she's leaping at the catana. Shoot. "Mel!" "Josh!" Catty's and the half-dragon's brother voice ring in your ears as you think, Great, I'm about to become a human shishkabob.

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