Chapter 8

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She hears a rustle above her, and she smiled. "Hi, Josh." 

The inu's head pops out, and he looks slightly ruffled. "How'd you know it was me?" Josh asks, landing down next to her. "Cause I'm awesome," She grins leaning over to ruffle his black hair. He rolls his eyes, letting her continue. She pouts at him, staring at him with fake sad blue puppy eyes. "Are you saying I'm not awesome?" Josh almost falls over, then recovers. "Oh grow up. Whats so big about being awesome?"

She glares at Josh, her lip starting to quiver. "Meanie..." She turns away, inwardly snickering at Josh's confused and hasty expression. "Mel, wait! I didn't mean it!" He lays a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her. She sniffles, burying her head into her hoodie. He's too easy, she thinks, then almost jumps as a calm yet somewhat angry voice interrupts Josh's splutters. "What did you do to her, you idiot."

The two of them look up, only to meet Shadow's cold eyes. "Shadow," Josh snarls, unsheathing his dagger. Shadow ignores Josh, bending down to examine her. She feels a slight blush and shift her gaze away, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "Get away from her!" Josh shoves Shadow away from her, and the two face each other, bristling and hostile. "A-Umm, you two know each other?"

"He's my half-brother." Half brother? The answer catches her off guard. She stood up, hoping to stop this fight. It's too late. Josh and Shadow's daggers clash, and her heart leaps into her throat. "Stop!Please!" She screams, and Catty's head pops out of nowhere. Literally. "Mel? Whats going-" Catty's face colored when she saw Shadow, and she stood there, blushing and stunned. The two inus stopped for a millisecond to look at Catty, then continued.

"Stop!" She yells, avoiding a swipe from one of the swords. "You're going down, Shadow!"

"Mel is mine, you brat!"

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