Part 5: Like Mother....

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Jess finally descended down the stairs with the upbeat rhythm resembling a little child. It had been a while since I had seen her smile....It made me happy to see her happy.

"You ready?" I asked her, worn out from doing literally nothing at all

"Yep...GRANDMA IM ABOUT TO GO! DO YOU NEED ME TO DO ANYTHING BEFORE!!!" Jess yelled into the kitchen

"No honey, Im okay" GG said as she slowly descended from the kitchen, croutched over, shuffling her feet slowly but surely over to me and Jess. I had no jdea her mobility had become so limited. She looked so tired and worn out. Its hard to imagine that this was the same woman who used to beat us when racing to the car as kids.

"Ya'll bout to go?!?!"

"Yeah we have a long drive ahead of us GG"

"Well ya'll make sure you call me...PUT ON YOUR SEATBELTS...STOP AT RED LIGHTS...DONT DRIVE TO FAST....AND" she yelled with worry clearly displayed across her face

"Okay Grandma, we'll be safe, Love you" We both stated with light-hearted chuckles escaping our lips

Now that I had noticed, a slight smile spread across my face as I realized me and Jess did not have to encounter that dreadful woman...not now...not ever


Karen was a beautiful aged woman who looked about twenty-seven. You would have no idea of her age unless you asked, and of course she wouldn't tell anyways. Although she was a gorgeous lady, her beauty was very well hidden under the pungent smell of urine, cigarettes and sex.

Her long curly, black natural hair was now a short afro that was dry and patted down resembling a dry plant pleading for water. Her mascara was dried up leaving long black tear marks along her face. The youthfulness in her face did not reach her body parts. Her skin was stretched to the maximum with stretch marks that reminded me of a maze yet I could never find my way out.

Her crop top read bootylicious and her coochie-cutters were sparkly everywhere. She also had on a saints snapback and some sparkly UGG boots. Its freezing outside. WHAT IN THE EVERLASTING HELL IS THIS BITCH WEARING..lipstick smeared, hair undone, and clothes disheveled, I could tell it had been a rough night.

"Hello Karen" I said trying to disguise my true feelings

"Hi" She said with a inspirational grin that could make even the saddest happy

"Hey Jess" She said with a swift look of worry passing across her face along with hope and a small amount of confidence.

Here we stand, in the cold, waiting to see what Jess's next move will be. She looks a little lost for words. I would be too. A million scenarios are running through my mind, thinking about what she might do. Will she fight? Will she argue? Cuss her out?

Those millions of thoughts stopped instantly as I felt Jess's body shift beside me. She took a break from admiring the atmosphere as she slowly locked eyes with Karen.

No one moved, too scared that we would ruin this One-in-a-life-time moment

".................Hey Mom"

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey guys!!!!!!!!!!! I know ive been gone a while. I sort of had writer's block but now Im back better than ever!!!!! To make it up to you guys IM DOING CHAPTER FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT!!!!! Hope you guys enjoy oh AND WHO KNEW THAT WAS JESS'S MOM. COMMENT IF YOU KNEW AND COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!!!! Love you guys💕💕😍😍

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